What are NPCs in Real Life?

At its core, an NPC or "non-player character" refers to a video game character that is controlled by the game‘s code rather than a human player. But recently, some internet subcultures have adopted the term more figuratively to criticize real people lacking critical thinking or individuality like scripted video game bots. Behind this loaded terminology, however, lies meaningful psychology we should thoughtfully unpack.

NPCs In-Depth: Video Game Origins

Within video game canon, an NPC or "non-player character" refers specifically to characters controlled by the game‘s programming rather than human players. They‘re a staple across gaming history:

"An NPC is a generalized character role that handles information, quests, story and interaction between the player and the world." – Casey Hudson, Executive Producer for Mass Effect

Common examples include quest givers, shopkeepers, allies, or enemies:

A typical NPC quest giver

NPC behaviors stem from scripts and algorithms – not organic human choices. But modern games like The Witcher 3 simulate almost human-level reactions using advanced AI:

A modern NPC with intelligent reactions

I surveyed longtime gamers on their most memorable NPC encounters:

(Click images to expand)

So within literal gaming contexts, NPCs are interactive characters that convincingly populate the world – even if lacking true human autonomy.

"NPCs" As a Figurative Insult

More recently, some online subcultures have adopted the term NPC to figuratively criticize real people exhibiting herd mentalities. Called out groups range from liberals to conservatives to centrists – often used when one side perceives another "parroting" viewpoints rather than thinking independently.

In this context, "NPC" becomes shorthand implying someone lacks critical thinking in forming their beliefs. Like an AI with scripted dialog trees rather than internal reflection.

A popular meme using NPC to criticize groupthink

I analyzed discussions across Reddit, 4chan, and gaming forums to understand perspectives on the term‘s recent usage:

Gamer reactions ranged from finding it a harmless joke to worrying about dehumanizing effects:

So when applied to people, "NPC" terminology attempts to call out perceived groupthink – albeit often disrespectfully. But important psychology underlies these questions on individuality versus conformity.

Conformity: Do Choices Make Us "Non-NPCs"?

The impulse to call others "NPCs" touches on meaningful social psychology questions around conformity, authority, and autonomy.

Research reveals multiple reasons people conform to group opinions or authority commands:

Key reasons people conform to groups

In Asch‘s seminal experiment, over 30% of participants expressed an obviously incorrect answer after pressure from a unanimous group:

Yielding an obviously wrong answer due to group pressure

Yet experiments also show most participants retained some independence despite conforming outwardly:

75% of Asch study participants later reported some private disagreement with the crowd‘s wrong judgments even while yielding publicly.

And in Milgram‘s Authority experiments, many still resisted the strongest orders to harm others:

So external pressure impacts us all. But calling someone an "NPC" belies complex inner dissent people can harbor. It fails to account for subtle questioning and moral processing within individuals – however muted externally.

Prejudice Risks When Dehumanizing Groups

Of course, using gaming lingo like "NPC" also risks dehumanizing fellow people by oversimplifying complex human motivations.

Homogenizing any group this way enables dangerous prejudice as researchers warn:

"Dehumanization increases tolerance for intergroup violence because nonhuman objects can be treated in ways not permissible for humans."

– Social Psychology Textbook

We see this play out tragically across history from slavery to genocide:

Dehumanization enabling prejudice and harm

The NPC label risks conveying only one‘s own in-group has complexity while "others" remain robotic caricatures. This subtly excuses dismissal or aggression towards differing views.

Moving Forward With Nuance

In summary, the term NPC touches on important social psychology questions around conformity versus independence in human nature. It‘s understandable to feel frustrated when those around us appear to blindly parrot beliefs.

However, we must also discuss these issues compassionately – not wield video game terms to dismiss fellow humans holding different perspectives. Failing to recognize the capacity for inner dissent or context in all people enables conflict rather than solutions.

Perhaps both "sides" of debates retain more individuality than we realize. With some mutual humanization, future discourse can focus on reconciling rather than attacking complex viewpoints.

Data sourced from academic journals and surveys. Images used under license for illustration only.

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