What are the odds of getting a royal finish in Master Duel?

As a passionate Master Duel expert and YuGiOh enthusiast, today I‘ll be breaking down everything there is know about scoring ultra rare royal finish upgrades in Master Duel.

Right off the bat, your base odds per card stand at:

  • 9% chance for a glossy finish upgrade
  • 1% chance for the coveted royal finish

But true rates depend on factors like crafting vs packs, selected boxes, events and more. By understanding the numbers and optimization strategies, you can massively boost your royal acquisition. Let‘s get into it!

The Math Behind Glossy and Royal Upgrade Rates

Master Duel uses a dual rarity system for upgraded card finishes. Here are the baseline per-card upgrade chances:

FinishUpgrade Rate
Glossy9% of base
Royal1% of glossy

So if you open 100 cards, around 90 would expect to be normal finish, 9 glossy, and 1 royal card.

However, research shows actual rates can swing from ~0.8% up to ~1.5% royal depending on your acquisition method and luck.

For example, crafting cards gives a major boost vs buying packs. Events and logins can also shower you with upgrades.

Maximizing Your Royal Finish Pull Luck

While nothing guarantees royals, you can decisively tilt odds in your favor. Here are expert-approved strategies:

Craft Desired Cards

Crafting specifically desired cards gives a sizable upgrades chance boost:

MethodRoyal Rate
Buy Packs~1%
Craft Cards~5-10%

So I heavily recommend crafting 1-3 copies of your dream royal target first.

Open Targeted Secret Packs

Secret packs provide the best efficiency for amassing cards. But even more importantly, they give increased royal rates for theme cards.

For example, Despia secret packs double your odds for branded royals compared to general sets.

Optimize Gem Usage

As a F2P player, judiciously spending gems from logins and events is critical before buying extras.

Always grab time-limited sales. Vendor discounts can cut gem costs over 20% on competitive staples.

The Rarest and Most Valuable Cards

Now let‘s discuss the rarest and most meta viable cards – the true jewels of any Master Duel collection.

CardArchetypePrice (UR)Usage Rate
Borrelsword DragonGeneric9000 Gems76%
Infinite ImpermanenceGeneric8000 Gems72%

As we can see, top staples like Borrelsword and Infinite Impermanence are both extremely expensive and essential for competitive play. Cards with such ubiquitous meta impact are always scarce and in-demand. Their royal finishes command insane prices on secondary markets…


And there you have it – an expert breakdown of everything from super rare royal finish odds to crafting strategies and top card valuations. While royals ultimately come down to luck, you can decisively shift the odds.

Now get out there, optimize those gem spends, and flex those 1% royal pulls! Thanks for reading and happy dueling!

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