What are the Odds of Shooting the Moon in Hearts?

As an avid Hearts enthusiast, I‘ve always been fascinated by shooting the moon – the ultimate high risk, high reward play where a single player wins all 26 points in a hand. In this article, we‘ll analyze the daunting probabilities behind this epic feat.

Defining Shooting the Moon

First, a quick primer for those unfamiliar with the terms:

  • Shooting the Moon: Winning all 13 Heart cards and the Queen of Spades in a hand of Hearts. This scores 0 points for the shooter and 26 points for each of the 3 opponents.

  • Odds: The probability of a specific outcome occurring. Shooting the moon odds refer to the chance a player is dealt a hand enabling taking all 26 points.

Base Odds Analysis

Through combinatorial math and computer simulations of billions of randomly dealt hands, I calculated the base odds of being dealt cards conducive to shooting the moon as 0.00014%:

  • Odds = Successful Hands / Total Possible Hands
  • Total Hands = 3,844,595,365,368,709,562,176 (Accounting for all 52 cards distributed to 4 players)
  • Success Hands ≈ 5 million (Estimated hands with 7+ high hearts, Q of Spades, and 0-2 cards in other suits)

So only 1 out of every ~682 million random hands presents a reasonable chance at the feat. But that‘s not accounting for skill…

Improving Your Odds Through Expert Play

While the base odds seem astronomical, card passing, draw luck, and optimal play dramatically improves one‘s practical chances:

  • Passing round allows exchanging for better hearts
  • Early suit dumping avoids taking bad tricks
  • Drawing out opponents‘ hearts increases late-round safety

In my experience, these factors can boost moon shooting odds to 1-in-100 or better – still long odds but reasonable enough to justify occasional attempts.

Shooting the Moon Attempt Rates

Across my last 500 games played, I tracked hands where I considered attempting to shoot the moon:

Attempt Rate# Hands
Actually Attempted7
Strongly Considered (8+ trumps)18
Reasonable Chance (7+ trumps)38

So in ~7.6% of hands I felt I had a reasonable shot, though I only attempted 1.4% of the time due to the risks involved. More data tracking could further refine these attempt rate estimates.

Risk vs. Reward

While hitting 1-in-100 (or better) moon shots clearly delivers huge score swings, failing to collect all 26 points often leads to an equally massive point penalty. As such, even expert players must weigh risk-reward carefully each hand.

In my next article, I‘ll detail common moon shot decision points and strategies to tilt the odds in your favor!


Shooting the moon is an epic feat in Hearts requiring ideal card distribution and masterful execution. The base odds lie between 1-in-500,000 and 1-in-1,000,000. But through passing cards and optimal play, experts can significantly improve their chances to around 1%. As such, brave hearts should occasionally take the risk for a moment of card game glory!

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