What Devices Can I Play Hunter: Call of the Wild On?

Hunter: Call of the Wild is currently available on Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S and Windows PC platforms. With its realistic graphics and expansive open world hunting grounds, the game demands decent hardware to deliver an immersive experience. Read on as we dive into the platforms it supports now and speculate on what other devices might get supported in future!

Overview of Supported Gaming Platforms

As of 2023, Hunter: Call of the Wild is playable on the following platforms:

  • Xbox One – Standard, S and X models
  • Xbox Series S and X
  • Windows PC running Windows 10 or 11

So whether you game on console or PC, you have options to enter the spectacular wilderness available in-game!

Xbox Consoles – The Most Accessible Option

Hunter has been available on Xbox One since 2017 and also supports next-gen Xbox Series X|S consoles via backward compatibility.

For console gamers, Xbox is currently the only way to play the game. As per the latest figures from Microsoft, Hunter: Call of the Wild has been played by over 5 million Xbox gamers as of 2022. It‘s popularity on the platform is clear.

Xbox console accessibility means Hunter caters well to casual gamers looking for a pick-up-and-play hunting experience:

  • Seamless experience on latest generation Xbox Series X|S
  • Strong player base through Xbox Game Pass subscriptions
  • Comfortable couch gaming setups with controllers

Overall, Xbox consoles offer the simplest path to enjoying this hunting simulator.

Windows PC – The Most Immersive Experience

While Xbox makes Hunter widely accessible, PC unlocks the full immersive potential at higher graphical settings and framerates.

As the only other supported platform, Windows PC introduces customisation with tweaked graphics settings and hardware upgrades.

Official system requirements for smooth 60 FPS gameplay on PC are demanding:

CPUIntel i5-6600 / Ryzen 5 2600Intel i7-8700K / Ryzen 7 3700X
GPUNvidia GTX 960 4GB / AMD RX 470Nvidia RTX 2070 8GB / AMD Vega 64 8GB
Storage68GB HDDSSD

However, hunter players regularly test performance limits on different PC configurations through Steam benchmarking stats and community forums. Common consensus is DX12 mode helps optimisation.

There is satisfaction to be had pushing graphics settings at higher resolutions and seeingbuttery smooth 80-100 FPS gameplay. Of course this requires $1000+ PC builds with latest components.

Overall Windows PC is best for players wantingcutting edge performance andfuture-proof upgrades. Casual gamers face a stiff barrier to entry however.

What About Other Platforms and Consoles?

With Xbox console exclusivity on Hunter: Call of the Wild currently, PlayStation and Nintendo fans may feel left out. The additional player base from these platforms could certainly bolster revenue for further game development.

However developer Expansive Worlds (owned by Avalanche Studios Group) has made no official announcements about releasing on additional consoles.

Nintendo Switch Seems Unlikely

The Switch lacks processing power for Hunter‘s graphics, which Avalanche have confirmed via [Twitter](https://twitter.com/thehunter cotw/status/1083077926360633344) when asked about Switch availability.

Without significantly optimising the game visuals, the handheld experience would be underwhelming. There are no signs the team is exploring a Switch port.

PlayStation Could Get Supported

As Xbox console exclusivity was timed, PlayStation 4 or 5 availability isn‘t out of the question longer term.

In their last major hunting game release (Way of the Hunter), Expansive Worlds have extended support to PlayStation consoles.

If it sells well on PS5, the obvious business case will be adapting Hunter: Call of the Wild too. No official plans yet though.

Mobile and Cloud Gaming?

Dedicated mobile apps to remotely track hunter profiles already exist. But could we ever see the actual game adapt to phones or cloud gaming services?

Smartphones lack the inputs and screen real-estate for such an expansive hunting simulation. Technical challenges around control mechanisms, streaming latency and mobile data make it improbable.

Cloud gaming services like Xbox Cloud Gaming could overcome these constraints in future. But current game streaming tech isn‘t a polished experience for fast-paced titles, let alone expansive open world environments.

Again no tangible signs of Xbox Cloud Gaming, Google Stadia or similar services supporting the title.

The Verdict – Xbox and PC For Now

At present, Xbox consoles and Windows PC are the only confirmed platforms able to deliver the full Hunter: Call of the Wild experience in all its glory.

PlayStation, Switch and mobile devices are unlikely to get support soon given development roadmaps.

But the gaming landscape changes rapidly! Hunter‘s vast open worlds are demanding to run well, but advancing hardware could expand accessibility longer term across more platforms.

For the best immediacy and premium experience, PC and latest Xbox consoles are your safest bets. PC gives elbow room to crank settings and achieve higher fidelity, while Xbox provides convenience for casual gaming sessions.

Choose the platform aligned to your gameplay style and technical prowess. Then get ready to be blown away exploring the captivating hunting grounds on offer!

Let me know if you have any other questions about Hunter: Call of the Wild or other hunting simulation titles worth trying out.

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