What Does "Cloud 7" Mean in Gaming?

If you‘ve hung around gaming circles or forums long enough, you‘ve probably seen phrases like "on cloud 7" or "that game was a cloud 7 experience." But what exactly does it mean to be on "cloud 7" in a gaming context? And where did this peculiar phrase come from?


To break it down clearly, saying a game or gaming experience is "cloud 7" means it‘s so amazing, thrilling, or flat-out fantastic that it feels like you‘re floating on cloud 7.

It evokes a sense of elation, awe, and supreme happiness. Like you‘ve ascended to the highest high, the 7th cloud, where only the most god-tier games reside.

So in gamer-speak, "cloud 7" signifies a transcendently incredible, euphoric level of gaming enjoyment.

Origins in Gaming Culture

As for its origins in gaming specifically, that‘s harder to pin down definitively. The phrase itself has existed for over a century in more general contexts. But at some point gamer slang co-opted it as a way to articulate next-level gaming delight.

I speculate this seepage into gaming lingo stems from the explosive emotions and engagement games can stir. We gamers have all experienced the soaring highs of gaming moments so incredible they take your breath away.

Moments where awe and adrenaline pinball through your mind and body. Where you toss your controller in the air while screaming "let‘s gooooo!" at a clutch tournament comeback.

Cloud 7 captures how gamestransport us, however briefly, to unintelligible heights of fulfillment.

And why the number 7 specifically? It likely echoes the term "7th heaven," invoking the highest peak where only angelic gaming bliss resides.

Examples of Usage

To solidify when and how "cloud 7" appears in gaming chatter, some examples:

"That Zelda: Breath of the Wild speedrun was straight cloud 7 awesomeness!"

"Cloud 7 doesn‘t even describe this Elden Ring boss fight hype!"

"If you thought Mario Odyssey was fun, the Cloud 7 sequel will blow your mind!"

You get the idea. It punctuates sentences about superior tier gaming moments to emphasize their status in the gaming heavens.

Comparison to Other Gaming Phrases

Similar video game phrases like "god tier" and "S++ rank" express a comparable pinnacle of quality. But "cloud 7" stands apart in conveying both height and euphoria.

Only it plants you among the actual clouds to viscerally capture peak gaming joy. And naming the specific cloud aligns with gaming‘s penchant for numbered rankings and leaderboards.

Why the Number 7?

But why specifically the 7th cloud? Well, heaven or paradise is often associated with the number 7 in culture and mythos. So that‘s likely where 7th cloud derives symbolic power from.

It also has a pleasant sound when pronounced, with alliteration between "cloud" and "seven." This lyrical flair adds satisfying linguistic oomph.

Plus, it pops better than alternatives like "9th cloud", which feels oddly specific. The exact cloud number matters less than it representing some unfathomable height where flawless gaming bliss dwells.

And there you have it – the essence of "cloud 7" in gamer vocabulary distilled! What game or moment would YOU describe as pure cloud 7 euphoria? Let me know in the comments below!

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