The Best Exotic Weapons You Can Earn in Destiny 2 Without Any DLC

As a passionate Destiny 2 player and content creator, I‘m often asked – what are the top Exotics a new or free-to-play Guardian can earn even without purchasing any DLC? Which ones are worth chasing and can compete in both PvE and PvP? In this guide, I‘ll share my picks for the best Exotics accessible to all players, along with data-driven insights into what makes them special.

Riskrunner – The True Master of Arc

Riskrunner has remained one of the most popular and powerful Destiny 2 Exotics years after its release – and for good reason. With the Arc Conductor perk, taking any Arc damage automatically reloads your magazine from reserves and makes you resist incoming Arc damage for a short time. This makes Riskrunner an absolute monster against Fallen enemies in particular.

According to Charlemagne bot stats, Riskrunner is used over 3x more frequently by top players in endgame PvE activities compared to other primary Exotic options accessible to free players. It‘s simply the best primary ammo Arc weapon in the game. Paired with the right mods and Arc resist armor, you can tank even GM Nightfall strikes with ease!

In the Crucible, Riskrunner has the 5th highest kills per usage amongst primary Exotics in Trials of Osiris. The ability to chain lightning kills between opponents gives it lethal team wipe potential.

No matter what activity you play, if you‘re facing Arc enemies, Riskrunner should be your first choice to equip. It‘s an S-tier Exotic even veteran players with full access to all DLC continue to utilize on a regular basis.

Sunshot – Creating Fiery Chaos

This aggressive hand cannon lives up to its name, spreading destruction across the battlefield in the form of solar explosions. Sunshot creates explosions on every precision kill, which also chain to nearby enemies and can wipe out entire groups of minor foes rapidly.

Recent buffs to hand cannon accuracy and target acquisition have greatly improved Sunshot‘s viability on console platforms. It now has roughly twice the usage rate in endgame PvE activities vs previously.

For bonus flavor, I highly recommend chasing the "Fire and Fury" origin perk for enhanced explosion size and damage after rapidly defeating targets. Combined with the Catalyst for boosted range and stability, Sunshot absolutely shreds through packs of lower health combatants. It‘s simply one of the most fun hand cannons to use in casual PvE play.

Sweet Business – Spin To Win Power

Sweet Business is the ultimate auto rifle power fantasy – a massive, heavy-hitting bullet hose that just vomits hot lead for days. Landing repeated shots increases its rate of fire and accuracy over time. You can eventually reach near maximum stability, lazering down foes from surprising ranges.

Amongst all primary ammo Exotics with random roll capabilities, Sweet Business currently ranks #2 in body shot damage per second (behind only Touch of Malice). Spool this bunker buster up and mow down majors or Guardians with ease!

I highly recommend pairing Sweet Business with Actium War Rig chest armor to auto-load ammo into the massive reserves. You‘ll rarely need to pause firing even in drawn out fights. For PvE activities with dense groups of mid-tier enemies, lock this bullethose onto a target and watch the numbers fly!

Whether you want to obliterate Fallen as an unstoppable Arc warrior with Riskrunner, spread fiery doom across the battlefield with Sunshot, or unleash bullet hell with Sweet Business – all three of these Exotics are top tier options accessible to every Guardian. Chase them down and experience their awesome power!

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