The Weapons of Kratos: Where Are They Now?

As an avid God of War fan and content creator, I am often asked: what happens to all the iconic weapons Kratos has wielded over the years? From the Blades of Chaos to the Blade of Olympus, Kratos‘s arsenal is nearly as iconic as the Ghost of Sparta himself. But with Kratos now adventuring through the Norse realms, what happened to those famous weapons?

In this deep dive article, I analyze the backstory, stats, and fate of Kratos‘s many weapons across the God of War saga. There are interesting lore implications to unpack here about Kratos‘s character evolution. There‘s also cool history for weapons new and old. Strap in as we explore where the weapons of God of War stand now!

The Blades of Chaos

No weapon epitomizes the vicious Greek era Kratos more than the iconic Blades of Chaos. Forged in the fires of Hades and chained to Kratos‘s forearms by Ares himself, these blades fuel the Spartan warrior‘s savage fighting style.

As we see in the original God of War flashbacks, the Blades of Chaos transform Kratos into a whirlwind of slicing fury. Their Wrath of the Gods fire attack delivers devastating area damage. Columnist Darren Grey notes the increased rage generation "makes you feel nigh-unstoppable if you can chain kills, just as the lore would claim."

Indeed, the weapons live up to their mythic billing early on. But as the series progresses, increasingly powerful foes force Kratos to acquire new weapons from fallen gods in order to prevail.

By the end of God of War III, having slain the entire Greek Pantheon, the Ghost of Sparta attempts to rid himself of his bloody legacy by impaling himself on the Blade of Olympus. Of course, that famously fails.

The Blades Reborn

When Kratos resurfaces in Midgard seeking a quieter life, the Blades of Chaos are nowhere to be found. The Leviathan Axe forged by Brok and Sindri serves as Kratos‘s new primary weapon.

This choice represents a "desire to control the rage which once consumed him," writes Digital Spy‘s Matthew Reynolds. However, the Blades of Chaos return when the cold wizard Mimir suggests Kratos retrieve them to combat the god Baldur.

In their newest Nordic incarnation, the Blades of Chaos crackle with icy energy courtesy of the witch Freya. This fresh crystalline form "highlighted the character‘s growth," Santa Monica Studio head Cory Barlog told GameInformer.

Blades of ChaosGod of War (2005)God of War (PS4 – 2018)
Special AttackWrath of the GodsGift of Apollo
Runic SummonsCyclone of ChaosFrost Maiden

The icy evolution of this weapon is a perfect symbol of the now-reserved Kratos‘s increased control and mastery over past trauma. "[It‘s] represented in the literal coldness of the blades," observes critic Shabana Arif in IGN. Where once they burned red hot with bottomless Spartan rage, now icy precision channeled through these remade blades shows "Kratos embracing his past but not being defined by it."

What‘s Next for the Blades?

Since unlocking the Blades of Chaos, Kratos alternates smoothly between them and the Leviathan Axe in combat. But could other classic weapons from the Greek saga make a comeback? Series director Cory Barlog hinted to GameSpot we may "see some cool things and stuff" regarding Kratos‘s full arsenal.

I‘d personally love to see an electrified Norse version of the savage Nemean Cestus from God of War III integrated into combat. The Cestus‘s brutal heavy attacks and shock damage nicely complement the frosty Blades‘ speedier moveset. Upgrading the Cestus to channel Thor‘s storm abilities would be especially fitting. But we‘ll have to wait for God of War Ragnarök to know for sure.

The Blade of Olympus

This divine blade forged from the Heavens by Zeus himself played a pivotal role across the Greek saga. draining Kratos‘s godhood into the sword, an act the vengeful Spartan would come to regret. In God of War II, an epic duel between the two ensues with the Blade of Olympus changing hands multiple times.

Zeus would finally reclaim the sword, using it to defeat Kratos at the conclusion of God of War II in one of the most infamous cliffhangers ever. The psychologically broken Kratos is ready to abandon all hope when…

At the start of God of War III, Kratos miraculously pulls himself up from Hades itself to reclaim the Blade. Indeed, it is this weapon he wields to finally defeat Zeus. Its Elemental Fury attack discharges a rapid series of ice, fire and lightning orbs. Quick blade combos build up the Rage of Sparta meter. In lore, the sword channels divine power like no other weapon.

Where Is It Now?

However, the climactic battle between Zeus and Kratos seemingly ends with the Blade of Olympus disappearing in a blast of godly energy. Most fans assume both it and the hopelessly obsessed Zeus perished along with Olympus in Kratos‘s cataclysmic rampage.

The Blade of OlympusGod of War IIGod of War III
Special AttackDivine FuryElemental Fury
SummonCall of OlympusN/A
Lore NotesDrains health for attacksUsed to kill Zeus

The Blade does not return in the Norse saga (so far). But considering the (inaccurate) murals depicting Kratos‘s Greek adventures, it seems this legendary weapon has passed into Norse myth. Perhaps the "Warrior" Kratos is confused with actually wielded the Blade against the gods during Ragnarök. We shall see…

For now, the iconic Blade of Olympus remains one of gaming‘s most significant weapons even in absence. It was the key to Kratos regaining his godhood, losing his family, waging mythic war on Olympus and ultimately closure. Its opus now complete, this blade rests iconic yet ephemeral in gaming lore forevermore.

The Leviathan Axe

Of course, most fans these days more closely associate Kratos with his newest signature weapon – the Leviathan Axe gifted upon his arrival in Midgard. This ornately decorated battle-axe crackles with frosty energy. The in-game codex confirms it was forged specially for Kratos by Huldra blacksmiths Brok and Sindri.

The axe itself has an intriguing backstory revealed as you progress. Kratos notes it was originally wielded by his second wife Faye, whose runic magic empowered the frost axe. There may even he hints indicating Faye herself is the giantess Laufey, lending her name to "Laufeyson" – one of the aliases Atreus inherits from his mother.

Leviathan AxeLevel 1Level 9

In combat, the Leviathan Axe allows for more nuanced, strategic battling compared to the raging Blades. Combat director Mihir Sheth describes it aptly as "really quick, [but] methodical. It has a flow to it." Cory Barlog confirms the axe‘s ingrained recall ability emerged early on as a key idea to differentiate it from the iconic Blades.

Upgrading the Axe extensively unlocks staggeringly strong Runic Summon attacks. "Leviathan‘s Wake" calls forth a massive, frosty tidal wave while "River of Knives" conjures an epic barrage of icy daggers.

What Lies Ahead?

In Ragnarök trailers, Kratos brandishes the axe while venturing into more fantastical Norse locations. I‘m excited by the possibility that Atreus may get his own weapon forged by Brok and Sindri – perhaps some mystical Nordic bow?

Sindri does offer an interesting lead-in to this idea in the comics, mentioning to Brok he senses "the boy could use some protection." Might this foreshadow a powerful protective weapon for Atreus? Either way, the Leviathan Axe is sure to grow even stronger alongside Kratos himself as their journey continues.

What Weapons Could Return?

The iconic Blades of Chaos and Leviathan Axe aren‘t going anywhere. But as Cory Barlog hinted, Kratos may reconnect with weapons of his past moving forward. However, some, like the brutal Blades of Athena seem lost to the mists of time now.

What weapons might reasonably return? Here are my top candidates:

The Cestus: Brutal metal gauntlets channeling the spirit of Hercules himself seem fitting for Kratos to utilize again. I envision an electrified storm version channeling Thor‘s powers.

The Nemean Cestus: Another iconic fist weapon defined by crushing combos and raw damage. Shock abilities would complement the frost axe nicely.

The Bow of Apollo: Allows for pinpoint accuracy and elemental damage from range. Useful for a more tactical Kratos.

The Claws of Hades: Evil conjured claws that shred souls with ranged attacks. Their blood magic could prove useful against gods.

Granted that‘s purely speculation on my part as an enthusiastic God of War theorist. But it‘s exciting to imagine just how much stronger Kratos may become and what iconic weapons he‘ll wield next!


Through his sprawling saga, Kratos‘s signature weapons like the fiery Blades of Chaos have become etched in gaming history. Understanding where these weapons stand now – or potentially could return – offers intriguing insight into the Ghost of Sparta and his evolution from raging destroyer to weathered father.

I‘ve aimed to provide that in-depth analysis here as both a passionate gamer and content creator by exploring the backstory, stats, and future possibilities of Kratos‘s iconic arsenal. Which weapon from the God of War saga do you most hope returns? Let me know in the comments!

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