What happens to Narcisse?

As a long-time Strategy Games player and period drama enthusiast, I was gripped by the tense dynamics between Lord Narcisse and King Francis in Reign. So when Narcisse fled the castle after that brutal attack in Season 4, I was on the edge of my seat wondering – what happens next?!

After using Lady Lola to help track down her sly husband, Francis ultimately decided to capture Narcisse rather than kill him. However, Francis does vow to make Narcisse suffer "a fate worse than death" for his endless scheming. Let‘s break down this cunning villain‘s fitting retribution!

Imprisoned By His Rival

Francis wastes no time locking up his rival Narcisse in the castle‘s dreariest tower. Guards relish slamming those heavy iron doors, enclosing the once-powerful lord in darkness and solitude. I picture Francis visiting to gloat over Narcisse brought low – no more silks or jewels, just rags and hay stench. Through disdainful conversations, details emerge…

Stripped of Lands, Titles and Wealth

As an avid Crusader Kings 3 player, I love when schemers face gameplay consequences! Similarly, Francis strips Narcisse of all holdings and assets. Guards delightedly inventory his confiscated riches:

Gold coins1,580
Precious gemstones724
Acres of land16,200

Cold and penniless, how the mighty Lord has fallen! This fate echoes other populare period drama villiains too – think Thomas Cromwell in The Tudors.

Forced Into Castle Servitude

Francis condemns Narcisse to unpaid labor – mopping floors, cleaning chamber pots, serving in the stables. Amused nobles surely relish every indignity inflicted on the once-proud lord! I envision Narcisse bitterly scrubbing, his scheming mind churning with plots for revenge…

After weeks of backbreaking work, a bedraggled Narcisse crosses Lola‘s path. Their strained conversation reveals more about his downfall! Lola admits feeling torn between concern and anger after all Narcisse‘s lies. Their complex dynamic leaves me wondering – could she somehow redeem him? Or will Narcisse snare Lola inyet another scheme?

The Drama Continues…

Clearly the drama doesn‘t end with Narcisse‘s capture! As both a gamer and period show fan, I love tracking this cunning character‘s trajectory. Will we witness him genuinely repenting his misdeeds? Could he convince others to help him escape? Or might the vengeful Francis order his former rival beheaded at last?

I for one cannot wait to see what other juicy twists and turns are in store! Just like an engrossing round of Civilization VI, the pieces are always moving in Reign‘s cutthroat world of politics and power. We‘ll have to stay tuned as this saga continues!

So in summary, yes Narcisse‘s initial fate is unpleasant after Francis captures his rival. But I suspect the former lord‘s exploits could still have major impacts in this addictive historical drama!

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