Anya‘s Best Friend Becky Blackbell: An In-Depth Look at Their Sweet Friendship

As fans of the popular anime and manga SPY x FAMILY already know, Anya Forger‘s very best friend is the precocious and kind-hearted Becky Blackbell. But what makes Becky stand out so much to Anya? And how did these two little girls become so close? As an avid gamer and SPY x FAMILY expert, I‘m diving deeper into Anya and Becky‘s special bond.

Initial Impressions: A Rocky Start

When Anya first met Becky Blackbell at the elite Eden Academy, things got off on the wrong foot. The wealthy and confident Becky saw shy, awkward Anya struggling to fit in and took it upon herself to mentor her. But Becky‘s slightly patronizing attempt to "take Anya under her wing" backfired, only driving the sensitive esper to resent her even more!

It was only after Becky demonstrated true empathy – inviting Anya to be best friends and call her simply "Becky" – that Anya realized her sincerity. This emotional moment marked a turning point in their relationship.

Growing Closer Through Kindness

Since patching things up, Anya and Becky have grown incredibly close at impressive speed! They walk arm-in-arm, share snacks, and always pick each other first for group activities.

In one very touching scene, Becky instantly forgives a distraught Anya for yelling at her, saying she can tell Anya "didn‘t mean it." This warmth and non-judgmental attitude endears Becky deeply to the anxious Anya.

Statistics gathered from fan polls show Anya and Becky neck-and-neck with key relationships like Anya‘s parents, underscoring just how pivotal Becky‘s friendship has become!

Anya Relationship Poll

In stark contrast to high-strung overachievers like Damian Desmond who irk Anya, Becky‘s patience and emotional intelligence are perfectly suited for Anya. She instinctively knows when Anya is upset or feeling insecure, and lifts her up with simple kindness.

Becky‘s Crush on Loid

However, there is one awkward wrinkle between the BFFs – Becky‘s massive crush on Anya‘s father, Loid! After meeting the handsome spy at Parents‘ Day, lovesick Becky bombards Anya with questions about when she‘ll see "Lloyd" again.

Anya is mostly oblivious about Becky viewing her dad through rose-colored glasses. But Becky‘s girlish infatuation injects funny moments, like when a clueless Anya asks if Becky wants to marry her father!

While a one-sided puppy love story, Becky‘s feelings toward Loid do occasionally make things weird between the girls. Since Becky showers Loid with gifts and compliments whenever he‘s around, we can expect this dynamic to continue.

Anya Chooses Becky #1

Despite Becky sometimes lavishing more praise on "Lloyd" than on Anya herself, it‘s clear where Anya‘s loyalties lie. In Every. Single. Moment. Becky‘s friendship outshines every other relationship.

When Anya‘s uncle Yuri threatened to remove her from Eden Academy, Anya burst into tears at the thought of leaving Becky. And when Anya later spots Becky looking for her, she ditches her own family mid-mission to race into Becky‘s arms.

Anya running to Becky

"BECKY!!” Anya cries as she dashes to her #1 BFF

So while elder sister Yor, "Dad" Loid, and even the family dog Bond occupy big pieces of Anya‘s heart – her best friend Becky eclipses them all.

Anya + Becky: An Unbreakable Bond

In an uncertain world where both girls lack traditional family units, Anya and Becky find security in each other above all else. Though still young, they share a profound connection which weathered early mishaps.

The selfless care and comfort they provide one another also fills an emotional need unmet elsewhere. In many ways, Becky‘s friendship is a sanctuary for anxious Anya more than any parental, mentor or sibling bond.

So for ADORABLE Anya Forger, who is her #1 BFF? It‘s forever and always sweet Becky Blackbell!

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