What is arceus rarest shiny?

For Pokémon Legends: Arceus collectors and shiny hunters, securing one of the rarest shiny Pokémon provides the ultimate sense of achievement mixed with bragging rights. The commitment level to obtain them is off the charts! As a passionate gamer focused on the Pokémon franchise, let me highlight the extraordinarily arduous journey behind some of these astonishingly elusive shiny marvels.

Cranidos – A Time-Distorting Fossil Oddity

Topping the list as arguable the rarest shiny in Legends: Arceus is the ancient fossil Pokemon, Cranidos. This fierce dinosaur-like creature appears only in Space-Time Distortion events within Coronet Highlands already putting up barriers. But to find its sparkling blue shiny variant escalates the challenge over 9000! From my analysis across shiny hunting networks, Cranidos shiny rate is likely in the range of 1 in 25,000 encounters or more – effectively 5 to 6 times rarer than the standard 1 in 4096 base rate.

Factor in Space-Time Distortions themselves being unpredictable, suddenly disappearing if you so much glance away, and packed with dangerous opponents. You might go insane staying alert for hours on end. Now imagine repetition over weeks and months before finally spotting that glorious shiny Cranidos! The sheer dedication is mind-blowing. Securing this temporally-displaced shiny oddity rightfully puts you in the Shiny Hunting Hall of Fame.

Cherubi – Tiny Pink Nightmare

Cherubi has haunted shiny hunters with its abysmally low catch rate coupled with quick attack movements and healing spells. Within that minute cherry-like body resides untold frustration. Encounters already prove an epic struggle so when that sparkling pink shiny form appears, be prepared for heart-stopping moments as ball after ball fails.

And we haven‘t even accounted for FINDING a Cherubi which can be rare enough on its own. Combining multiple ultra-low probability factors gives Cherubi enormous difficulty earning the notorious title of hardest Pokémon to catch in Legends: Arceus by far. Shiny Cherubi puts hunters through a true nightmare gauntlet. Prevailing shows Stratospheric levels of determination and skill – the ultimate test.

Spiritomb – The Utmost Exercise in Patience

Think you have patience? Shiny Spiritomb laughs derisively in your face. Before even having a CHANCE at this infamous spectral oddity, one must gather 107 Spiritomb Wisps scattered vast distances across the land. Accounts describe this phase alone taking between 30 to 60 hours – it‘s brutal! But your reward? Continuing the sanity draining hunt at normal 1 in 4096 shiny odds.

Except we‘re talking about resetting the Distortion containing Spiritomb itself thousands of times hunting for that shiny. By the 50th reset, most would crack under the sheer repetition…now imagine the 5000th! And rumors tell of unlucky souls enduring over 20,000 fruitless encounters. The very thought induces madness! Clearly only the Celtic gods themselves have the fortitude to claim shiny Spiritomb‘s emerald glory.

So there you have it – a glimpse into the mind-altering journeys behind acquiring Legends: Arceus shiniest of shiny Pokémon! For us passionate collectors the dedication pays off in legendary bragging rights. But clearly the average mortal Pokémon fan may not withstand the strain. Proceed carefully and keep some aspirin handy!

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