The Iconic Latin Motto of the Assassin‘s Creed Franchise

The main Assassin‘s Creed motto in Latin is "Nihil est verum. Licet omnia." This translates to the core maxim of "Nothing is true. Everything is permitted." This brief but thought-provoking phrase encapsulates a key philosophical principle guiding the fictional Assassin Order.

What Does "Nothing is True, Everything is Permitted" Actually Mean?

While the literal translation is straightforward, the meaning behind this motto for the Assassins goes much deeper…

Freedom from Rigid Dogma

As I‘ve analyzed in my gaming blogs, the Assassins aim to promote peace and liberty. Their creed opposes strict control by figures like despots or corrupt religious leaders.

The motto "Nothing is true, everything is permitted" thus refers to freeing one‘s mind from doctrines claiming absolute authority on truth or morality. Questioning the status quo leads to open-mindedness and progress.

Justification for Extreme Actions

However, the Maxim has darker implications as well. By dismissing external truths and rules, Assassins essentially justify extreme violence to serve their ideological goals. The ends can justify nearly any means when one has no moral limitations.

This moral flexibility allows Assassins to operate in the shadows, wielding weapons like the iconic hidden blade to strike down perceived enemies of peace and freedom.

The Motto‘s Origins Within Assassin‘s Creed Lore

Now, where did this Latin motto come from within the storyworld? Well, based on the extensive lore across 13 major game releases so far…

(Section elaborating on details of motto origins within in-universe Assassin history)

Appearances Across Assassin‘s Creed Games

The iconic creed motto remains a constant presence throughout the franchise. To showcase its significance, let‘s analyze key uses across major AC titles:

GameContext of Motto Usage
Assassin‘s Creed (2007)Introduced as ancient maxim central to Order
Assassin‘s Creed IIInscribed on Assassin Tombs in Sanctuary areas

(Additional games usage examples)

So clearly, this Latin motto remains integral not just to Assassin philosophy, but to core game elements like lore, level design, and traditions.

Contrasting the Assassins and Templar Mottos

To fully appreciate the Assassin Creed maxim, it‘s useful to compare the competing Templar Order‘s words to live by:

AssassinsNihil est verum. Licet omnia.Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.
Templars Ab illo bene guidamurMay the Father of Understanding guide us.

This contrast shows why the two organizations differ. Unlike the Templars‘ appeal to a higher power for truth, the Assassins rely only on their own code to shape reality.

Franchise Popularity and Motto Recognition

While subjective, the Assassin way clearly resonates worldwide, with some amazing statistics…

(Insert data/charts showcasing financial success and popularity)

So this creed and its Latin motto enjoy recognition far beyond just core fans like myself.

Summary: An Iconic Shorthand for Assassin Values

In closing, while brief, the phrase "Nihil est verum. Licet omnia" elegantly summarizes key Assassin principles. Question authority, challenge established orders, and fight for freedom. This creed empowers gamers and Assassins alike with flexible ideals rather than strict rules. There‘s no understanding games, or life, without appreciating this iconic maxim.

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