What is Brigitte‘s Rarest Skin in Overwatch 2?

Hands down, Medic takes the crown as Brigitte‘s rarest and most coveted skin. As a Brigitte main myself, I‘ve dug into the history and prestige around this skin to give my fellow players the full scoop. Let‘s break down why the Medic skin is so rare, how players can still show it off, and what makes Brigitte an enduring fan-favorite hero in Overwatch.

The Short Availability of Brigitte‘s Medic Skin

Brigitte‘s Medic epic skin was only available for a couple weeks in 2018 during the Support a Streamer charity event. Players could donate to earn limited-time skins for Brigitte and Mercy. But even some dedicated supports mains missed their chance.

ExactAvailability Window: July 25, 2018 – August 8, 2018

So in just two weeks, players had to:

  1. Learn about the event
  2. Select a streamer to support
  3. Make a qualifying donation amount ($10 minimum per skin based on forum posts)

No wonder so few players unlocked the Medic skin! Blizzard hasn‘t released official earn percentages, but stats sites estimate it was earned by less than 5% of players.

Estimated Ownership Percentages:

SkinOwnership Estimate

Now with Overwatch 2 drawing in new players who missed out on past skins, Medic Brigitte remains a true rarity.

The Prestige and Value Proposition

It‘s not just objective scarcity that makes the Medic skin so coveted either. As a cool-looking epic skin, it also carries a certain clout and prestige. Players admire when someone has a rare skin that perhaps they weren‘t fortunate enough to earn themselves.

Let‘s consider why the Medic skin is held in such high regard:

Visual Appeal

The skin features Brigitte decked out with:

  • White medic outfit and red cross
  • First responder-style helmet
  • Blue triage tag marking her as a healer

It aligns nicely with her support role while showing she‘s also ready to dash into the fray. The additional epic skin animations and FX only elevate the look compared to her plain default outfit.

Exclusivity Allure

Rarity inherently breeds desirability. Collectors in particular want skins that most players don‘t have access to. The Medic skin scratches that itch. Whenever I spawn sporting the Medic skin, some ally without fail types "Whoa! Nice skin" in match chat. It‘s a nice feather in your cap as a Brigitte connoisseur.

Value Potential

Since many players weren‘t lucky enough to earn the Medic skin back in 2018, it retains substantial value. As Overwatch 2 draws in more players over time, I think its worth will only increase for those smart enough to have claimed it four years ago. Perhaps Blizzard one day even re-releases it during a special in-game event or through other exclusive means.

Gameplay Impacts of the Medic Skin

Alright, maybe I‘m romanticizing a simple cosmetic skin too much. Does equipping the rare Medic outfit actually change how Brigitte plays or feels? As an avid Brigitte main, I would argue yes – though maybe in subtle, psychological ways rather than mechanical ones.

Motivation and Confidence Boost

When I first unlock the Medic skin during an Overwatch 2 match, I instantly feel more hype and motivated. My inner-Brigitte says "heck yeah, time to put in work!" There‘s some extra strut in my step seeing the vibrant white outfit instead of Brigitte‘s plain default look. I feel like I stand out more and need to succeed accordingly.

Inspiring Team Reactions

Even if it‘s just a reskinned mallet and shield rather than new weapons, allies still react positively to seeing the Medic skin in action. They‘ll often compliment it during setup or if waiting to respawn. I think it subconsciously motivates them too – "hey, we have a decked out epic Medic on our team, maybe she‘ll pop off and carry us!"

Worthy of the Skin‘s Legacy

I consider the Medic skin a badge of honor as someone who supported Overwatch streamers back in 2018 and plays a lot of Brigitte now. Equipping it challenges me to play my best so I feel worthy of sporting such a rare skin. If my performance falls flat, I feel almost guilty ruining the Medic skin‘s pristine image!

So in summary – yes, the skin boosts my confidence and focus as Brigitte. I want to deliver exciting plays to live up to its coveted legacy. The rarity pressures me in a good way.

The Enduring Appeal of Brigitte

Beyond just her rarest skin, what is it about Brigitte that resonates so strongly with players like myself even years later? As one of the highest skill cap supports, mastering Brigitte continues to be an engaging challenge – especially with her rework in Overwatch 2.

High Skill Cap

Brigitte has one of the highest skill ceilings among supports. To play her effectively you need to:

  • Hit whip shots to trigger inspire healing
  • Time shield bashes and armor packs well
  • Know when to play aggressive with your flail vs defensive with your barrier
  • Alt between supporting tanks & squishies

She has so many abilities and responsibilities compared to "pure" healers like Mercy. I love that even after hundreds of hours playing Brig, I‘m still improving my positioning, target prioritization, and ability timing. It keeps her fun and demanding to play.

Overwatch 2 Rework

With her major rework in the Overwatch 2 era, Brigitte feels fresh and new again. Key changes like reducing her shield health focus her more on direct healing rather than just being a beefy bodyguard. There‘s renewed challenge in learning her new style. And opportunities for flashier hybrid healer/DPS moments with her buffed mace damage against non-tanks.

High Ceiling + High Floor

Brigitte is also appealing for having both a high skill ceiling and a high skill floor. Brand new Brigitte players can still provide value just using repair pack on cooldown and sticking by the main tank with shield up. But to truly excel, it takes great timing, positioning, and resource management across her broad kit. When played perfectly, she enables a vulnerability-based playstyle that is extremely potent.

Fun Risk/Reward Balance

Finally, Brig simply hits a wonderful balance of risk vs. reward. She needs to take risky flail swings into the enemy backline to trigger AoE heals. Great Brig players minimize that danger through good cooldown cycling and shield use. Pulling off a clutch armor pack mid-fight or landing the perfect bash to secure a kill feels so satisfying.

Brigitte has always stood out as one of Overwatch‘s highest skill cap yet most dynamic supports. As all signs point to her continuing relevance even through Overwatch 2‘s launch and beyond, it‘s a joy to keep improving my play with her. Especially while repping that coveted rare Medic skin of course!

So for my fellow Brigitte mains out there – whether you‘re sporting her rarest Medic outfit or slumming it with a common skin – stay bold and keep striving to master our favorite armored support through the latest era of Overwatch! What could be more rewarding?

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