What is Fortnite Rule 35?

Fortnite Rule 35 refers to the application of Rule 34 to Epic Games‘ popular online multiplayer shooter Fortnite. For those unfamiliar, Rule 34 is an internet maxim stating that "if it exists, there is porn of it." So in essence, Fortnite Rule 35 cheekily implies that there is adult/pornographic material depicting Fortnite content and characters online.

The Origins of Rule 35

While Rule 34 has been around since the early 2000s on 4chan and other internet forums, Rule 35 as a corollary extension emerged more recently. It started popping up on Reddit threads and gaming sites in 2018, likely spurred by Fortnite‘s explosion into the mainstream at that time.

The full text of Rule 35 states:

"If there is no porn of it, porn will be made of it."

So in a sense, it implies that Rule 34‘s "rule" will inevitably apply to any popular franchise, especially one with vivid characters and skins like Fortnite.

Why Rule 35 Matters for Fortnite

Beyond just being an edgy internet in-joke, Fortnite Rule 35 signals the game‘s immersion into wider culture. As of 2022, Fortnite has over 350 million registered players worldwide. That sheer populace makes it ripe for a subset participating in Rule 34/Rule 35 content and discussions.

Data from Google Trends shows search interest in "Fortnite Rule 35" and related terms steadily increasing since 2018:

YearSearch Interest

While niche, this rising curiosity shows Fortnite‘s staying power and diversity of fans.

In one Reddit thread lampooning Rule 35, over 87 comments appear jokingly "confirming" or denying its existence for certain skins. This engagement proves that even if not actively participating, much of the player base is aware of Rule 35 as part of Fortnite tradition.

Variations Beyond Fortnite

As Fortnite‘s success paved the way for more free-to-play shooters, Rule 35 has similarly begun appearing for:

  • Call of Duty: Warzone
  • Apex Legends
  • Overwatch
  • Valorant

Each of these has in-game skins/characters and a strong enough following for subsets participating in Rule 34/Rule 35 content.

However as the progenitor, Fortnite still sees the most interest and discussion around Rule 35 compared to these later entrants.

The Staying Power of Rule 35

Will Rule 35 ever fade as just a fleeting meme? Unlikely, given Fortnite‘s continued technical and cultural relevance four+ years from launch.

Epic Games‘ revenue from Fortnite exceeded $5 billion in 2020, showing no signs of slowing. And with new multiplayer modes plus skins and seasons releasing constantly, the in-game options for Rule 35 content have actually grown over time.

Equally so as gaming culture permeates mainstream television, music and fashion – as seen through Fortnite‘s own collaborations with Marvel, Disney, and pop musicians like Travis Scott – enthusiasm for transgressive memes like Rule 35 persists.

So while not particularly family friendly, Rule 35 looks to remain an inevitable fixture around one of gaming‘s longest standing and profitable juggernauts for years more!

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