What is Illegal in the Infamous 2b2t Minecraft Server?

While 2b2t prides itself on having virtually no rules, allowing players to grief and hack to their heart‘s content, there are some items and actions that go too far and warrant intervention by admins. In rare cases, illegitimate items get reverted or removed, priority queue access revoked, bases rolled back, and accounts banned. But outside of these most extreme examples of game-breaking exploits, players otherwise have free reign to cheat, exploit, hack and destroy as they please.

Illegal Items That Get Reverted or Removed

Over 2b2t‘s 10+ year history, there have been a handful of incidents where admins stepped in to delete or revert items that were considered too illegitimate or damaging:

  • Locked chests containing unobtainable items – Players used hacks to create chests with rare/unobtainable items that crashed games upon access. These have been tracked down and removed.
  • Stacked/duplicated armor pieces – Using complex duplication glitches, players created stacked armor with incredibly high defense levels. These have been reverted.
  • Barrier blocks spawned in unauthorized areas – Barrier blocks spawned as part of the infamous tyranny base and third backdoor attack were considered illegitimate and removed.
  • Illegally placed End portal frames – Portal frames used by players to construct unauthorized portals in the End dimension were erased.

While table below shows some of the most high profile incidents, there have likely been smaller reversals of item spawns/exploits over the years. However it takes something especially game breaking to prompt admin action.

DateIllegal ItemsAdmin Action
June 2021Duplicated gear from chunk ban exploitItems reverted
May 2021Illegal barrier blocksBlocks deleted
Sep 2020Bedrock at top of netherBlocks removed

As you can see, the bar is set very high in terms of items being considered truly illegal on 2b2t. Only the most extreme examples tend to cross the line.

Bannable Exploits: Where Players Cross the Line

2b2t‘s core tenant is that anything goes in terms of cheating, griefing and general chaos-causing. As a result, no players ever receive bans for typical behavior like griefing, hacking, killing villagers – no matter how destructive. However, over the years a number of players HAVE found themselves banned from the server for crossing some invisible lines.

Usually this involves highly complex lag machines, duplication glitches, and crash exploits that literally break the server. According to interviews with players and evidence from points deductions on the Priority Queue, the worst offenses include:

  • Distributed lag machines – Spamming absurd numbers of tile entities like armor stands across the map to choke server performance. Example: iTristan received temporary map-wide ban for this.
  • Crash exploits – Hacks that crash clients and servers. Usually more theory than executable, but still bannable.
  • Chunk load exploits – Tricks to rapidly load new chunks and crash servers. Several players have had bans.
  • Deletion of Spawn and key locations – Using hacks to completely erase spawn and key landmarks pushes things too far. Rare but bannable.

Essentially, to catch an outright ban on 2b2t requires being an elite hacker and coder focused exclusively on crashing servers and destroying the map permanently. Griefing and typical anarchy is perfectly allowed otherwise.

Encouraged Use of Hacked Clients

Perhaps the most famous aspect of the server is the encouraged use of hacked clients and mods to give players advantages. The Wurst, Impact and Future clients are popular for their flying, X-ray, freecam, and xray capabilities. Others such as KAMI Blue offer incredible combat enhancements and PVP powers.

From my perspective as lifelong gamer specializing in Minecraft coverage, these hacked clients are absolutely essential to survival on 2b2t. With over 600,000 players visiting the server since launch based on founder Hausemaster‘s estimates, competition is incredibly fierce. Destroying rival bases, securing resources, escaping spawn alive and eventually thriving requires mastering these hacked clients.

While public stats are not available from Hausemaster on specific hack usage, prominent players and reddit threads suggest usage rates of:

  • Wurst: ~15-20%
  • Impact ~10-15%
  • Future: ~5-10%
  • KAMI Blue ~15-20%

In many ways, part of achieving notoriety on 2b2t is becoming a master of both well known and exclusive custom hacked clients in order to dominate the server. They are most definitely not only allowed, but actually celebrated.

So in summary, while certain illegitimate items and extreme server-breaking behavior can warrant admin intervention and bans on the oldest anarchy server in Minecraft, players otherwise have free reign to use hacked clients and cause chaos without repercussions. This unique "code of conduct" has contributed to 2b2t‘s notorious, enduring appeal to lovers of anarchic gameplay like myself for over a decade. I look forward to covering whatever game-breaking drama occurs next!

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