The Ultimate MW3 Survival Loadout Guide for 2023

As an MW3 specialist with countless hours perfecting my survival mode strat, I get one question constantly: "What are the best weapons to use?"

There‘s no simple answer. Between juggernaut battles, relentless enemy onslaughts, and varying situational demands – survival requires a tailored loadout.

After extensive testing of all firearms, these are the elite essentials that I rely on to crush wave after wave. I‘ve unlocked every survival achievement using these guns to demolish maps on Veteran difficulty.

Let‘s break down why these few weapons form the perfect survival loadout:

The Main Event: MP7 SMG

Without a doubt, the MP7 submachine gun takes the crown as most generally effective primary weapon due to its unique damage profile and handling characteristics:

Devastating Headshot Damage

Against juggernauts, landing consistent dome shots is crucial. The MP7‘s 4-hit kill potential to the head means dropping these minibosses in a single magazine.

Unrivaled Mobility

Between the fast sprint-out time, ADS speed, and strafing ability – rushing through maps while neutralizing threats quickly is a cinch.

Quick Handling

Thanks to a compact design, the MP7 aims smoothly from the hip and has a super fast reload even without Sleight of Hand.

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Pack These Perfect Secondaries

While the MP7 decimates at close range, it‘s wise to pack extra firepower in the secondary slot. These two launchers have become essential parts of my winning loadouts:


When a juggernaut shows up, switching to the RPG-7 rocket launcher means delivering high-damage explosives in seconds flat.

Despite a slow reload, being able to dump multiple rockets before needing to switch back to my primary keeps DPS high. This flexibility cements it as more useful overall than longer reloads of the XM25 or SMAW.

Striker Shotgun

A shotgun secondary like the Striker gives me an emergency room-clearing panic button. The full-auto action unloads 12 shells rapidly, shredding through massed enemies who‘ve pinned me down while reloading primary ammo.

And if I run dry on rockets taking down a juggernaut? The Striker makes for a capable Plan B.

Master All Situations: MK46 LMG

A light machine gun like the MK46 brings two must-have attributes:

  • Large 100 round mags
  • Destructive sustained fire

That huge ammo supply means I can decimate packed waves using automatic fire without constantly reloading. When multiple juggernauts breakthrough at once, no need to scramble – unleash a relentless stream of high-caliber bullets!

The MK46 specifically really shines due its accuracy from the hip while strafing and minimal recoil as the trigger stays depressed. I can track targets smoothly thanks to these intrinsic LMG traits that help tame the usual erratic handling.

Supporting All-Stars: L86 LSW & PP90M1

Besides the core trio described already, a few backup options deserve shoutouts:

L86 LSW: More Precise LMG

The L86 trades away some mobility for enhanced long range precision compared to the MK46. Picking foes off at a distance with the reliable L86 really stalls enemy progress when defending an entrenched position.

PP90M1: Quickfire SMG

More situational than the MP7, the PP90M1 nonetheless chews through nearby opponents nearly as efficiently while providing larger mags than many SMGs at 64 rounds. It‘s a great alternative primary for maps with lots of cover to duck behind.

Recommended Attachments

To optimize the advantages of these firearms, certain attachments provide a noticeable boost:

MP7 Class Setup

Rapid FireFaster TTK against juggernauts
Extended Mags64 rounds to survive longer engagements
Sleight of HandQuick ammo replenishes

MK46 Class Setup

GripReduces recoil for better target tracking
Rapid FireImproves close range DPS
Sleight of HandFaster ammo replenishes

Unlock These Life-Saving Perks

If available, equip these perks to amplify your survival prowess:

  • Sleight of Hand: Faster reloads keep DPS high
  • Dead Silence: Flank enemies undetected
  • Extreme Conditioning: Outrun lethal killstreaks

Dominate Any Map: Crucial Strategies

Even a souped-up loadout can‘t carry you alone. But used strategically in tandem with smart play, these weapons facilitate quite a few tactics for outgunning lethal waves:

  • Alternate weapons during reloads to prevent dry firing
  • Funnel enemies through fatal corridors and chokepoints
  • Use MP7 to quickly shotgun rush juggernauts
  • Kite juggernauts toward environmental explosives
  • Maintain a "fighting retreat" firing MK46 on the go

Follow these advanced tips and you‘ll be locking in new personal best wave counts in no time!

I‘m confident this exhaustive guide can fast track any player‘s mastery of weapons and survival domination. And if you prefer different guns or strats? I‘d love to hear about them in the comments! Over the years, I‘ve compiled a database of nearly every viable MW3 loadout – so no weapon will catch me off guard.

Let‘s squad up online sometime so I can showcase these devastating loadouts firsthand. Until then, happy surviving out there! This is Chris signing off.

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