Golden Seed – The #1 Best Keepsake for Elden Ring Astrologers

As a long-time gaming expert and critic with a passion for creating Sorcerer builds across multiple titles, I‘ve accumulated extensive knowledge on optimizing magic-focused characters. And without question, my #1 recommended keepsake for Astrologers just starting their journey through the Lands Between is the Golden Seed.

Why the Extra Flask Charges are Crucial

While the basic Crimson Flask providing automatic healing seems like an adequate starting advantage, the Tiny Golden Seed keepake option ups that number to two total Flask uses right away. This may not seem significant, but having access to an additional Cerulean Flask charge for replenishing FP (mana) so early makes a world of difference.

Many newcomers often underestimate the rate at which spells deplete mana in the beginning. With only one Cerulean to rely on, it becomes extremely easy to exhaust your casting resources. Getting cornered by a few enemies without FP practically guarantees death. Veteran mages still struggle with early mana constraints. Having that backup Cerulean charge enables more spell-slinging throughout critical starter zones and bosses, greatly enhancing your survival odds.

Of course, the extra Crimson Flask offers an supplementary heal as well – equally as valuable for an Astrologer‘s low starting vigor. So in summary, if you desire to truly embrace the glass cannon playstyle, the Golden Seed keepsake is mandatory.

Other Solid Keepsake Options

While the Golden Seed tops my list, I wouldn‘t fault any Astrologer for selecting these other fine keepsake choices instead to start their journey:

  • Crimson Amber Medallion – Boosts max HP by a small percentage. Any sliver of extra health is beneficial in the early game to prevent frustrating one-shot deaths.
  • Fanged Imp Ashes – Provides a spirit summon to tank enemies for you. Extremely helpful to take pressure off the caster.
  • Cracked Pot – Allows usage of more crafting items and consumables. Great utility for any build.

And you really can‘t go wrong with the Lands Between Rune either for some quick levels if you don‘t want long-term buffs.

Leveling Tips and Spell Loadout for Early Success

Assuming you‘ve powered up your Astrologer with my recommended Golden Seed keepsake, how should you allocate levels and configure your spells next? Here are key tips from my proven methodology of mastering magic users over years of experience:

  • Prioritize Intelligence and Mind – These govern magic damage and mana. Cranking Int early allows access to stronger sorceries faster. Mind boosts FP to enable more spell casts per life. Target 60 Int and 30-40 Mind by end game depending on preference.
  • Vigor Is Secondary but Critical Too – Don‘t neglect improving max HP entirely. 1200+ HP should be minimum by mid game. Get one-shot and you‘ll reset back to the last Site of Grace regardless of your damage potential.
  • Equally Balance Long and Short Range Spells – Meteorite sorceries like Rock Sling exploit gravity magic to crush from afar. Swift Glintstone for closer rapid firing. Mix it up!
  • Meteorite Staff Dominates as Starter Weapon – Despite early availability, efficiency surpasses standard staves even to +15 regular weapons. This carry weapon only falls off very late game.

Check the table below showing exact scaling benchmarks:

Weapon Upgrade LevelBest Staff
Up to +15Meteorite Staff
+16 to +18Carian Regal Scepter
+19 to +24Lusat‘s Glinstone Staff

Let‘s dive deeper into recommended starter spells…

Top Astrologer Spells for Early Game Dominance

Based on my deep Magic build testing, here are the 5 best spells to kickstart your Astrologer playthrough:

  1. Glintstone Pebble – Your bread and butter spammable attack. Low cost to continually pepper enemies from range.
  2. Carian Slicer – Close ranged physical sorcery slash extremely efficient on FP usage.
  3. Swift Glintstone Shard – Rapid magic projectiles to pressure shifty foes. My go-to.
  4. Scholar‘s Armament – Temporary magic weapon buff for your staff when needing stronger melee hits.
  5. Carian Greatsword – Magical blue glowing blade to smash multiple enemies at once. Learn to free-aim for maximum effectiveness.

Master these fundamentals first before diving into heavier sorceries. And don‘t forget to regularly upgrade your Meteorite Staff at smithing tables when possible!

Final Tips for Conquering Elden Ring as a Battlemage

Transitioning from melee to spell-caster is an adjustment. Be patient getting comfortable avoiding attacks without heavy armor. But with proper ability usage and setup, Astrologers boast tremendous strengths:

  • Treat most boss encounters like a turret – keep distance and barrage continuously with your vast FP pool and regen
  • Memorize enemy attack patterns so you know exact moments it‘s safe to lower your guard
  • Keep a side arm like the Rogier‘s Rapier to finish weakened foes and preserve FP
  • Abuse spirit summons to distract troublesome enemies as you devastate them from safety
  • Weave melee strikes between casts to conserve FP and build muscle memory for when caught in close quarters

I could author pages more detailing my sorcerer learnings. But over time, patient mastery and strategic spell weaving will help you rise to finish Elden Ring in glory. Feel free to reference my YouTube Channel for Astrologer gameplay examples and boss highlights. Now get out there, my fellow battlemage, and rain mystical destruction onto the Lands Between! The path of infinite discovery awaits.

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