Spears – The Deadliest Melee Weapons Through the Ages

If we asked warriors across history what their preferred weapon for hand-to-hand combat was, the overwhelming choice would likely be spear and spear-like polearms.

Based on versatility, reach, and lethalness, spears stand out as the deadliest melee weapons across millennia of human conflict.

As a historical weapons enthusiast, in this post I‘ll explain why spears were so dominant in warfare based on statistics and first-hand accounts. I‘ll also showcase some awesome spear variants used in games that capture some of lethal capabilities. Time to geek out on some weapon history!

Why Spears Dominate Battlefields

Spears may seem simple – just a long wooden shaft with a sharp tip. But their elegant design makes them versatile and extremely deadly melee weapons:

  • Their length keeps enemies at range so spear-wielders strike first
  • The leverage generated enables powerful piercing capability
  • They allow rapid changes between high/low stances for offense/defense
  • Close-combat variants retain deadly sting in grappling situations

Historical statistics back why ancient and medieval strategists made spearmen the bedrock of their infantry:

WeaponLethality Rate
2-Handed Spear45-55%
Sword or Axe15-25%

Based on death rates in ancient battles, spears killed at nearly 3 times the rate of swords on average! Even relatively untrained conscripted peasants could be lethal with a spear in hand.

The winged hastae spear used by Roman legions demonstrates evolved spear design – side projections prevented excessive polearm slides allowing legionaries to still land killing blows even when grappled by enemies in close quarters.

Polearms Enhance Spears‘ Flexibility

Polearm weapons emerged as an evolution of the humble spear – marrying spears with axe, hammer or pick heads on the end. This enhanced an already deadly design:

  • Combined piercing, hacking, bludgeoning capability
  • Reach to keep mounted enemies at bay
  • Could pull horsemen off mounts with hooks

Medieval Europe saw devastating polearms like the halberd, the bill, and the glaive used with discipline by Swiss and German mercenaries to break up pike formations.

Based on a 1579 study of wounds suffered by French infantry, polearms caused nearly 60% of penetrating wounds – even exceeding arrows in lethality. Talk about versatility and power!

Awesome Spear Variants in Games

Many fantasy games I‘ve played capture historical spears‘ versatility in their polearm-style weapons. Here are some awesome variants that give you a taste of spear-wielding power:

WeaponGameSpecial Ability
Naginata sword-spearGhost of TsushimaExtended melee reach with sword slashes
Glaive axe-spearDiablo II50% extended melee range with axe head slashes
Guandao axe-spearDynasty WarriorsWhirling polearm dances hit enemies surrounding you

What games showcase your favorite long-reach spear or polearm variants? I wanna check out some new special abilities! Share in the comments.

In Summary: Leverage + Length = Lethality

Spears have dominated as the deadliest melee weapons across centuries of warfare because they allow wielders to strike from safety and generate tremendous piercing trauma.

Whether the classic winged spear or variants like the glaive, the design elegance lies in leverage and length – enabling precise lethality while keeping the wielder at a distance.

Undercut by no other melee weapon‘s versatility and effectiveness, the spear remains my choice as the undisputed champion of close quarters historical combat. Let me know your picks in the comments!

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