Khorne is the Blood God‘s Real Name

As a zealous Warhammer lore expert and tabletop enthusiast, uncovering the true origins and nature of the dark gods that rule the Chaos dimension is an obsession of mine. When it comes to sheer bloodthirstiness and wanton violence, none embody these traits more fully than Khorne, the Blood God.

The First Chaos God, Born of Violence

Per the earliest recordings, Khorne was the first Chaos God formed in the Warhammer worlds during the Coming of the Old Ones. His essence manifested from the endless acts of violence and bloodshed committed by the galaxy‘s first mortal creatures. Ever since, the Lord of Skulls has reigned as the Chaos God of war, hatred, wrath, and murder.

As living creatures waged brutal wars and senseless killings across primordial worlds, their spilled blood and skull trophies provided the psychical fuel to spark Khorne‘s genesis. In many ways, Khorne serves as the dark reflection of humanoid nature – an embodiment of violence, savagery, and merciless carnage that often arises during wars for territory, wealth, or ideals.

Key Facts and Attributes

Sacred Number: 8 (Number of arrows in Chaos symbol)

Personal Rune: Stylized axe-blade with blood dripping from it

Realm in Chaos Dimension: The Brass Citadel, floating fortress forged from the bloody armor of warriors who died in battle

Preferred Victims: The strong and skilled warriors who offer the richest challenge and reward in battle

Demands: Courage, martial pride, wrath, war without mercy against the God‘s enemies

WarriorHe wields a longsword and axe forged from mortal hate and anger
AppearanceA hulking warrior clad in brass armor, sitting upon a brass throne amidst seas of blood and skulls
CultsThe Blood God cults seek to emulate Khorne‘s image, ritualistically killing and taking skulls from worthy opponents

With core values centered around strength, courage, and skill in battle, the Blood God has attracted the worship of millions of warriors, barbarians, and killers across the material universe. His threat continues growing – as constant wars yield more violent deaths in his name, Khorne‘s powers expand exponentially.

Khorne Compared to War Gods of Ancient Mythology

The Blood God archetype manifests in nearly all ancient cultural mythologies that feature omnipotent warrior gods. His personality and spheres of influence directly parallel war gods like:

  • Ares (Greek): Deity representing the violent and untamed aspects of war, mirroring Khorne‘s emphasis on rage and bloodshed.
  • Mixcoatl (Aztec): God of the hunt and war, demanding tribute in bloody sacrificial hearts like Khorne seeks skulls.
  • Mars (Roman): Embodiment of martial valor, mirrors Khorne‘s soldierly attributes and his status as a dangerous, yet respected god.

Like his ancient counterparts, Khorne is treated as a necessary evil – the frightening, yet inherent shadow cast by intelligent races prone to resolving conflicts through warfare.

Theories on Khorne‘s True Name and Origins

Khorne‘s true name, if he ever had one as a mortal being, has been lost to time, but some theorize that "Kharneth" was his identity during his living years. As the first murder occurred, this being‘s soul may have coalesced and taken shape through the Warp as the first Chaos God.

Some scholars propose Khorne may have even been a noble warrior from some forgone interstellar civilization. As that society fell to ruin through violence, their champion‘s psychic rage imprint took form as the Blood God. Certainly as the End Times unfold, Khorne will gain more power and preeminence in the galaxy.

For Chaos followers and enemies alike, unmasking the Blood God‘s definitive name and origins would unveil key truths about stopping his marauding warrior hordes or exploiting his influence through pacts. As a champion of Khorne arises to spearhead the latest Chaotic campaign, I will eagerly update readers on rumors from the front lines.

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