The Complete Story Behind the Longest Phone Call Ever

When Americans Avery Leonard and Eric Roff Brewster spoke on the phone for 46 hours, 12 minutes and 52 seconds in 2020, they didn‘t just beat the previous world record of 31 hours. They completely smashed it! Their nearly two-day long conversation required an astonishing amount of planning, mental stamina, and determination.

As a fellow gamer and content creator, I have a deep appreciation for epic tests of endurance. The focus and energy needed to maintain a 46 hour activity is mind-boggling to me. I decided to thoroughly investigate how and why people undertake such marathon phone calls.

Planning a Record-Breaking Phone Call Attempt

Attempting such an unfathomably long phone call takes elaborate preparation:

  • Setting Up Livestreams: Avery and Eric positioned cameras around Avery‘s home to document their record attempt through livestreaming and YouTube uploads. This verified they followed guidelines.

  • Stocking Supplies: They ensured enough food, drinks, and snacks were available so their support team could keep them nourished. Having home bathrooms also prevented any call interruptions.

  • Charging Devices: With over a dozen phones, laptops, and cameras running continuously, they needed ample charging stations. Backup batteries prevented any power-related fails.

  • Reviewing Conversation Topics: They brainstormed hundreds of potential topics to discuss over 46+ hours. Shuffling between fun stories, current events, deep philosophy and more kept their minds engaged.

  • Consulting Previous Record Holders: Talking to those who held the 31 hour record gave Avery and Eric an edge by providing valuable preparation tips. They took this advice to heart and credited it for their success.

The Mind-Boggling Feat Itself

Once all the preparations were complete, Avery and Eric hunkered down on the evening of October 23, 2020 to start their record attempt. Here are some mind-blowing facts about what unfolded over the next 46 hours:

  • They consciously limited sitting to combat tiredness, instead choosing to slowly pace for an estimated combined 100+ miles!

  • While one rested or ate, the other continued talking non-stop. Their support team kept them fueled with snacks like grapes, oranges, protein bars and beef jerky.

  • Staying intensely focused for so long required having breaks from "heavier" topics. Lighthearted stories like childhood memories offered mental breathers.

  • Brief tech fails with their livestream setups or phones led to anxiously tense moments. Thankfully quick resolutions prevented a premature end to their record pursuit.

What Drives People to Attempt Such Long Calls

In this age of texting and instant messages, you may wonder why anyone would willingly endure an uber lengthy old-fashioned voice call. Here is some insight:

  • Chasing Glory: For serious record breakers, having their names cemented in history offers immense personal accomplishment. The public recognition feeds many participants‘ competitive drives.

  • Proving Capabilities: Attempting mighty endurance challenges allows people to test their mental and physical limits. The knowledge gained then allows them to unleash their full potential.

  • Bonding Through Shared Experience: The conversation itself sustains most efforts more than any fame or glory. Having someone‘s undivided attention for so long creates powerful connections.

So while us average folk may balk at hour long calls, record breakers relish the chance to chat for days on end! Their relentless human spirit continues pushing the boundaries of what‘s possible through a phone line.

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