The Rarest Seer in Murder Mystery 2: Chroma Seer

As an experienced Murder Mystery 2 gamer with hundreds of hours under my belt, I get asked a lot: what‘s the rarest Seer in MM2? My answer, invariably, is the Chroma Seer. The vibrant rainbow colors, the radiant glow animation, and barely-there crafting odds make it truly one-of-a-kind.

But why does the Chroma Seer stand in a tier of its own compared to Blue, Red, Orange and other painted Seers? Let‘s break it down.

Abysmally Low Crafting Rates

While the crafting formula is under wraps, fans have estimated the odds. According to player data, you have a 0.3% chance (about 1 in 300) of crafting a Chroma Seer from its Recipe.

To put into perspective how low that is:

KnifeOdds of Crafting
Chroma Seer0.3%
Chroma Lightbringer2%
Chroma Gemstone3%

As you can see, the Chroma Seer‘s rates are an order of magnitude lower than comparable top-tier Chromas. It‘s over 6 times rarer than a Chroma Lightbringer!

Trading Up the Ranks

As someone whose traded hundreds of Godlies, I‘ve seen the Chroma Seer‘s value skyrocket up close in MM2 trading hubs.

Six months ago, it pulled maybe a stack of small Godlies like Heat or Tides. But now? I regularly see it trade for 10+ of the best Legendaries like Chromas and Elderwood Scythes.

It even trades evenly with a few of the ultra-rare Mystery Knives like Elderwood Revolver. That‘s almost unheard of Godly-for-Godly value.

Still Reigns Over All Other Seers

And while colored Seers like Blue, Orange, and Red are rare…they still don‘t hold a candle to Chroma.

Glu, who runs the authoritative MM2 Values list, pegs the Chroma Seer at a whopping 95+ value. That makes it the 7th most valuable Godly in the game – now that‘s rare!

The other painted Seers? They sit around 30-50 value. Great compared to small Godlies, but dwarfed by Chroma Seer.

And if we check the Supreme MM2 value list, the gap is even larger:

MM2 Supreme Value Comparison

So whether it‘s crafting odds, trading value, or rarity tier lists, the Chroma Seer dominates.

Advice From a Collector

For new Chroma Seer owners, hold it! Given the crazy low unbox rates which drain supply, I foresee its value continuing to climb.

My advice for collectors hoping to obtain one: save up an inventory of Legenderies or rare Mystery Knives. Be extremely patient and keep making fair trade offers. It took me months to get my first Chroma Seer, but trust me – it‘s worth it!

So in summary, while all colored Seers have prestige, the Chroma Seer is just built different. No other Seer even comes close in terms of rareness or collectibility. Happy hunting!

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