The Barbarian is Unequivocally the Tankiest D&D Class

As an avid D&D player and Dungeon Master for over 10 years, I can definitively state that the barbarian reigns supreme as the tankiest class in the game. Specifically, a barbarian that selects the Path of the Totem Warrior with the Bear aspect.

Now I know some of you may argue that the heavily-armored paladin or fighter makes a sturdier protector. And while those classes certainly have their merits, nothing comes close to matching the barbarian‘s combination of massive health pools, devastating resilience, and sheer monumental strength.

In this extensive guide, we‘ll analyze the barbarian‘s tanking capabilities in-depth, and compare it directly against other durable classes…

What Makes a Good Tank in D&D?

Before crowning the mightiest damage sponge, let‘s review the key traits of a great tank:

  • Large Hit Point Pool – A bottomless well of health allows you to absorb tons of punishment.
  • High AC/Resistances – Mitigating incoming attacks is crucial to longevity.
  • Enemy Aggro – Forcing foes to target you rather than teammates.

With these criteria in mind, let‘s see how our challengers square off!

Hit Points

ClassHit DiceAverage HP at Level 20

Barbarians clearly come out on top here with their d12 hit dice. Those extra few HP per level really add up!

Defenses & Resistance

While armor helps…

Conclusion: Why Barbarians Make Such Ridiculously Good Tanks

After crunching the numbers, it‘s clear barbarians eclipse all rivals when it comes fighting, and the punishing key abilities:

  • Chock-full of HP thanks to d12 and high Con
  • Resistance to nearly all damage while raging
  • Impose disadvantage via Reckless Attack
  • Brutish strength to grapple enemies
  • Relentless Rage to keep fighting until the bitter end

So while the stalwart paladin and determined fighter have their merits, the barbarian was born to tank. I hope this guide gave you some ideas on crafting your own unkillable juggernaut! Just be careful not to pull too much threat from your squishier party members!

Did I miss any key tank builds or strategies? Let me know your experiences with D&D tanks in the comments! And stay tuned for my next article on maximizing your bard‘s "support abilities"… wink wink.

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