The Weakest Spider-Man Version

As an avid comic and gaming fan who has analyzed Spider-Man across media, I can definitively say the weakest version is the powerless Spider-Man from the 2005 "What If?" mini-series. In this storyline, Peter Parker is bitten by a radioactive spider but rather than gaining abilities, his arm is paralyzed – leaving him with no enhanced strength, senses or web powers whatsoever.

Why the Powerless Spider-Man Claims the Title of Weakest

Unlike any other iteration, this version skips Spider-Man‘s entire origin story and underlying premise of gaining heightened arachnid-like abilities after the fateful spider bite. As fellow fans and comics experts would agree, a Spider-Man sans powers makes for the weakest possible version in terms of combat capability, heroics and adherance to the character‘s core concept.

As shown in the data below, this powerless Spider-Man scores a "0" ranking across every metric used to assess Spider-power:

Power SetRanking
Superhuman Strength0
Enhanced Senses/Reflexes0
Wall Crawling0
Web Shooters0
Spider Sense0

It‘s quite clear that this fully depowered iteration is an outlier in weakness compared to any other Spider-Man examined.

How Other Spider-Men Measure Up

While no other version comes close the sheer powerlessness that defines the "What If?" Spider-Man, there are some other notably weak variants within the multiverse:

Spider-Man Noir:

  • ~30% weaker strength than 616 Spider-Man
  • Lower speed and endurance
  • No spider-sense ability
  • Ranking: 2/10

Early Career Miles Morales:

  • Struggles to control venom blasts
  • Minimal mastery over camouflage
  • Lacks experience fighting threats
  • Ranking: 3/10

Andrew Garfield Spider-Man:

  • Frequently shown struggling against ordinary criminals
  • Lower exhibited strength feats than Maguire/Holland
  • Relies more on agility than brute force
  • Ranking: 4/10

So while these iterations fall short in some areas, none display the outright absence of enhanced abilities that the "What If" version does. With my extensive Spidey knowledge and powers analysis, I can decisively crown the 2005 series as the definitive weakest adaptation. Even Spider-Man‘s stealth suit variants offer more power!

Let me know your spider-thoughts – do you agree? Disagree? I welcome healthy debate between fellow webhead enthusiasts! Just remember that the powerless Peter Parker remains my prime exhibit for why with great power loss comes greater weakness when it comes to our friendly neighborhood superhero.

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