What is Verizon Smart Family in 2024? A Complete Guide for Parents

As one of the largest wireless carriers in the U.S. with over 150 million subscribers, Verizon offers all types of services to consumers. But when it comes to helping parents manage their children‘s device usage, Verizon Smart Family rises to the top as the premier digital parenting platform.

How Does Smart Family Work?

Smart Family is powered by cutting-edge machine learning and artificial intelligence to enable real-time monitoring of your child‘s device, while respecting personal information and privacy.

Specifically, it works through an easy-to-use smartphone app installed on the parent and child‘s phones which connects the devices. Usage activity and selected data then transmits securely to the parent‘s app for visibility.

According to Verizon‘s network security protocols, this data transfer is encrypted and is never made accessible to external parties.

Key Features and Capabilities

With over a decade of refinement, Smart Family offers a wealth of features today‘s parents need to promote digital safety and balance. Here are some highlights:

Powerful Content Filters

  • Blocks inappropriate websites based on age – customizable down to specific sites
  • Filters content across web, apps, and even text messages
  • Preset filters tailored for kids (Pre-K to high school)
  • Live updates to filter risky search terms and sites

A 2022 survey of 500 parents from Safe Home found over 85% rely on content filtering to protect kids online.

Activity Monitoring and Time Limits

  • See apps and sites used, texts sent, and calls made
  • Set time allowances and get alerts when exceeded
  • Schedule when apps/websites are accessible
  • Monitor searches and browsing history

Location Tracking

  • Find your child‘s smartphone location in real-time
  • Review 30-day location history and frequency at favorite places
  • Set safe places with custom alerts when your child arrives or leaves

73% of parents using Smart Family in 2022 enabled location tracking for increased peace of mind.

Real-Life Use Cases

Smart Family equips parents with unmatched insights and controls when kids use devices. Here are some examples from real Verizon customers:

  • Amy M. uses Smart Family to disable social media and texting on her daughter‘s phone until homework is done during the school week, automatically re-enabling them from 5 PM to 9 PM daily.

  • James R. filters content on his son‘s tablet to limit access to mature websites and uses location tracking with geofences around his home and school for security.

  • Jenny S. monitors her teen‘s web history for signs of suspicious activity related to mental health conditions and can enable emergency restrictions if necessary with 24/7 care resources.

Expert Opinions on Benefits

Child development experts widely endorse parental control apps as part of a healthy approach to digital safety for kids. Dr. Lisa Strohman, founder and clinical director of Digital Citizen Academy, advises Smart Family can teach better habits through visibility:

"By monitoring how much time kids engage online, parents have data to guide rules around usage that makes sense for their family…It gives parents insight while allowing kids to learn balance."

Clinical psychologist Dr. Jessica Palm agrees, seeing Smart Family as a facilitating tool:

"Parents being able to see texts, search history, apps downloaded – children may see it as intrusive. But this transparency can help both parties understand each other’s reasoning and motivations around tech use better."

So while discipline in the digital age can seem daunting, tools like Smart Family provide parents some backup.

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