What is XXL Pokémon GO? Your Complete Guide

As a hardcore Pokémon GO gamer who loves discovering new surprises in Niantic‘s ever-evolving mobile game, I was thrilled when the recent update introduced XXL Pokémon – giant-sized versions of your favorite Pokémon species!

When you encounter one of these hilariously oversized monsters, a dramatic animation and banner will appear pronouncing them "HUGE". It‘s a purely cosmetic change, but seeing a towering Gyarados or enormous Elgyem is pretty amusing.

In this guide, I‘ll cover everything we know so far about XXL Pokémon – what causes them, which species can be XXL, if they impact battles, and how to catch your own troupe of kaiju Pokémon!

XXL Pokémon History

XXL (and XXS) sized Pokémon first appeared sporadically in 2019. Initially only certain species like Magikarp or Rattata would very rarely spawn as extra small or extra large.

In October 2022, Niantic activated the capability for all Pokémon to potentially spawn in XXS, regular, or XXL sizes. Dataminers still aren‘t sure if it‘s completely random or if certain sizes have higher/lower odds per species.

I‘ve compiled a table of observed XXL spawn frequency from local player reports:

PokémonXXL FrequencySample Size

As you can see, XXL Magikarp is still the most common oversized Pokémon – but all species can now randomly appear huge!

It‘s Purely Cosmetic!

The most important fact about XXL Pokémon is that the size change does NOT impact stats or battle capabilities whatsoever.

You‘ll see some visual differences in the overworld and when buddied, but fundamentally an XXL is identical to regular sized – same IVs, same CP, same attacks.

So while fun to collect as trophies, don‘t expect your giant Meowth to have an edge against normal opponents!

An XXL Gyarados towering over regular Magikarp – but no combat advantage!

Hunting for Huge Pokémon

I wish I could share a proven strategy for finding these amusing kaiju Pokémon, but spawns seem completely random chance currently.

That said, areas with increased Magikarp and other water-types may prove more fruitful. I plan to camp by lakes and coastlines to further study XXL behavior and patterns (for science!).

If you spot any trends, be sure to share in the comments below! My dream is a world where 12 foot tall Caterpie are the norm…

What About Trading & Storage?

Since XXL is purely cosmetic, trading them works like any regular Pokémon:

  • Only special if shiny (no special trade cost for XXL alone)
  • Not impacted by IV floors
  • Requires normal stardust investment

When transferred to Pokémon HOME, they retain their giant size visually. So collectors can store a prized colossal collection!

Closing Thoughts

That sums up the current state of knowledge on these hilarious new size variants! I‘ll be sure to provide any updates if scientists like myself discern changes to XXL behavior or unlock methods to trigger increased giant spawns!

For now, appreciate the randomness when you spot an enormous enemy or buddy. And don‘t transfer any tiny Rattata – who knows what small & large medals might get added in the future!

Let me know which Pokémon you most want to see wander by at 100x normal dimensions. For me it‘s a four story Tyranitar or hulking Wailord blotting out the sun. Keep hunting trainers!

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