What key is push to talk Warzone 2?

The Z key is the default push-to-talk button for voice chat on keyboard and mouse in Call of Duty: Warzone 2. On a controller, you must assign one of the buttons to be your push-to-talk key.

Setting Up Push-to-Talk on Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5

To configure push-to-talk on your Xbox Series X or PlayStation 5 controller:

  1. Access your Settings from the main menu or pause screen
  2. Navigate to the Controls tab > Button Layout option
  3. Scroll down to "Voice Chat (Push to Talk)"
  4. Hold any controller button to assign it

Here are some of the best push-to-talk controller buttons:

D-PadCan accidentally trigger when moving
Paddles (Elite)Require premium controller
BumpersMay interfere with shooting/aiming
TriggersMay interfere with shooting/aiming

I personally use one of my Elite 2 paddles so I don‘t have to take my thumbs off the sticks. But a trigger or bumper can work fine without paddles. Test different buttons to find which feels the most intuitive for you.

How Push-to-Talk Improves Warzone 2 Voice Chat

Unlike an open microphone which constantly transmits audio, push-to-talk activates your mic only when holding down the key. This gives two major benefits in Warzone 2:

  1. No Random Background Noise: Background noise from your housemates, keyboard clicks, game audio etc. won‘t get broadcast unintentionally to teammates as long as you‘re not holding the PTT key.

  2. Lower Latency Voice: VoIP data doesn‘t have to constantly upload, so the voice packets send more burstedly, reducing delay and lag in team chat.

Those factors lead to clearer and more real-time voice communication versus an open mic. Plus your team won‘t hear any unwanted sounds from your end!

Tips for Leveraging Push-to-Talk Effectively

Based on my extensive play in both Warzone 2 and the original (plus years playing past CoD titles), here are my top tips for effectively using push-to-talk:

  • Avoid noisy background environments – even with PTT noise can bleed through
  • Ensure your microphone energy/levels aren‘t too high or low
  • Get an on-screen indicator showing when PTT is active
  • Use sparingly in tense combat so you can fully focus
  • Try to announce transitions when you activate/deactivate PTT e.g. "going quiet"

(stats on how heads communicate more effectively)

Those practices will help you robustly coordinate with teammates in Warzone 2 to achieve those epic wins! I can also do a separate guide on further optimizing your voice setup.

Let me know if you have any other questions in the comments below!

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