The Complete Guide to Mastering Paladins in Dungeons & Dragons

As a long-time paladin main and tabletop gaming enthusiast, I live for discovering innovative builds, party synergies, and combat tricks that let paladin characters reach their full heroic potential. This comprehensive guide aims to provide everything a player needs to create an optimized paladin in Fifth Edition Dungeons & Dragons, from choosing the perfect oath and background to constructing a compelling personality profile complete with signature spells and abilities. Let‘s delve into the righteous path of the holy warrior!

Oath Options – Mantles of Power

A paladin‘s sacred oath forms the bedrock of their abilities, shaping their identity as champions of their convictions. While the iconic Oaths of Devotion and Vengeance prove ever-popular, other oaths bring unique tenets to abide by and special powers to claim.

Oath of Devotion

Tenets – Honesty, Courage, Compassion, Honor and Duty

Sworn to lofty principles and noble ideals like justice, virtue and order, Devotion paladins appeal to the very best traditions of sacrifice and chivalry.

Signature Abilities – Aura of Devotion boosts saving throws and magic resistance of nearby allies, Channel Divinity: Sacred Weapon empowers weapon strikes with radiant energy and favor from on high.

Galen the Golden – Wielding the legendary sword Dawnbringer in service to Lathander, this legendary paladin joined famous adventures like Mordenkainen to thwart demonic schemes across the multiverse.

Galen the Golden, Devotion Paladin

Many new Devotion paladins adopt […]

Oath of Vengeance

Tenets – Fight the Greater Evil, No Mercy for the Wicked, By Any Means Necessary, Restitution

Vengeance paladins embark on an unrelenting quest to punish wrongdoers through whatever means necessary, often skirting moral lines other heroes would never cross. These ruthless warriors apply aggression, guile and their implacable focus only toward their sworn enemies to enact justified retribution.

Signature Ability – Vow of Enmity marking foes for advantage and bonus damage, Relentless Avenger to chase down fleeing targets.

Alastra the Vigilant – This wicked paladin of Bane hunted an order of demon-worshipping mages to near extinction, making sinister pacts to gain the power for vengeance. Though becoming an anti-hero, Alastra did vanquish many vile cultists.

Background Bonds

A paladin’s past shapes their destiny just as much […]

Attribute Priorities

Though martial prowess proves vital, paladins also rely on their force of personality and faith to channel magical might against the forces of darkness. When planning ability improvements, I recommend prioritizing:

  • Strength – Impacts melee damage with Smite
  • Constitution – Critically improves concentration and HP reserves
  • Charisma – Governs spell save DCs and bonus spell slots

Here is an example ability score array optimized for paladin success:

16 (+3)10 (0)14 (+2)8 (-1)12 (+1)16 (+3)

Whenever you gain an Ability Score Improvement through leveling […]

Signature Spells & Combos

While paladins naturally excel as armored melee warriors, combining key spells and abilities can unleash devastating synergies against the forces of evil. Through countless hours perfecting my craft on the tabletop battlefields, here are my top paladin combos that never fail to turn the tide!

The Peel

  1. On your turn, cast Compelled Duel on the enemy bruiser
  2. Action Surge to also cast Wrathful Smite
  3. Next round, spiritual weapon continues damage while you gain distance

Pull aggro from backline allies and stick like glue to your nemesis thanks to this series of taunts, smites and disengages! […]

The Nova

  1. First, land Branding Smite on your quarry
  2. Follow up with Divine Smite for 6d8 radiant punishment!
  3. If crit for 12d8 total plus improved Divine Smite – ouch!

This vicious combination stacks up bonus dice by […]

Over years playing my devoted paladin main, I‘ve uncovered all sorts of crafty spellweaving secrets that can decisively chang battles when properly executed. Now you too can ascend into a master holy warrior!

Sample Personality Profiles

While sealed by their sacred vows, each paladin still boasts unique perspectives and signature styles. Use these fleshed out profiles to inspire your next righteous champion!

Vhalkos Ironbellows – Oath of the Crown Dwarf

  • Traits – Stoic, taciturn demeanor but kindly underneath
  • Ideals – Serve the sovereign; respect traditions and hierarchies
  • Bonds – Sworn to protect clanhold Ingot Hall with fervent duty

Having bore witness to deranged nobles nearly splinter his clan through greed and avarice, Vhalkos forsook his claim over Ingot Hall to walk the paladin‘s path – protecting the rightful dwarven rulers so no elf or goblin can dominate the Scarred Mountains ever again.


From shield dwarves to noble eladrin to even dragonborn, the path of the holy warrior calls to defenders whose conviction compels action. By binding yourself to an oath that resonates with your principles and quests, a paladin awakens great power indeed – the strength to protect your allies and ideals against the Infinitie Fiends!

May this guide only mark the beginning of your own heroic journey ahead. When in doubt on your righteous crusade, remember we stout paladin mains stand ready to welcome another into the fold. Now go forth through dungeon depths, across raging battlefields or into the sinister darkness and let your light shine as a beacon of hope to all!

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