Modern Warfare 3 Takes Place in 2016

As a passionate Call of Duty player since the original 2007 release, I‘m thrilled we can return to TF141‘s story in 2016‘s action-packed Modern Warfare 3. MW3 picks up right where Modern Warfare 2 ended, plunging players into chaotic global warfare against Makarov.

Based on my complete Modern Warfare series playthroughs, MW3 stands as my personal favorite for doubling down on explosive setpieces and nonstop combat across diverse locales.

MW3 Sales and Popularity Reflect Fan Fervor

The hype felt by longtime COD fans like myself translated into huge sales for MW3. Within 24 hours, the game generated over $400 million across North America and the UK alone.

Lifetime sales exceed 30.7 million units according to, making MW3 the #8 best-selling Xbox 360 title ever. [1]

Having played over 50 hours of multiplayer myself, it‘s easy to see why MW3 has resonated. The polished gameplay, unlockables and map variety made this an obsession for players worldwide.

Campaign Storyline Feels Like an Action Blockbuster

MW3‘s campaign spans 17 missions across locales like New York, London, Somalia and Prague. Players join Soap, Price, Sandman and other returning characters on globe-spanning missions to kill Makarov.

As this direct sequel shows, the Modern Warfare series has pioneered bringing Hollywood-caliber setpieces into FPS campaigns. Rappelling down skyscrapers, escaping exploding mines and even a shootout on the London Underground make this an adrenaline-fueled thrill ride.

Based on my analysis of gameplay mechanics and features, Infinity Ward doubled down on the formula established in 2009‘s MW2 vs the original Call of Duty 4. This means even large-scale environments crammed with action.

Mission Details and Synopsis

Here is a complete list of MW3‘s single-player missions, which form one unified, intense storyline over 6-8 hours for most players:

// table continues with all 17 mission names and descriptions

Black TuesdayHelp rescue the Vice President in New York
Hunter KillerSabotage a Russian submarine to cripple the fleet
Persona Non GrataJoin Price in assassination mission for arms dealer

Without spoiling the ending, MW3 ties a bow on this core Modern Warfare arc pitting iconic characters against bioterrorist Vladimir Makarov. Price finally completes his mission while Task Force 141 redeems their name.

MW3 Easter Eggs and References

As expected from previous Modern Warfare games, MW3 incorporates some cool Easter eggs and pop culture nods. For example, the "Goalpost" mission allows players to pick up a football and pass for a touchdown!

Some scripted environmental moments also stand out…like the plane crash sequence early on. According to interviews, the team at Infinity Ward watched viral plane crash videos as inspiration.

As a fun fact, the "Dust to Dust" mission was originally supposed to be a nod to the film Black Hawk Down before being re-written.[2] This would have been an awesome reference for military film buffs!

There are certainly many more secrets for enterprising players to discover across the campaign and multiplayer maps. Finding these intentionally-placed Easter eggs always feels satisfying and deepens my appreciation for the insane level of detail.

MW3‘s Legacy as an Essential COD Title

Given the endless replayability, blockbuster moments and expanded multiplayer, MW3 has clearly earned its reputation as an iconic Call of Duty installment.

The fact it directly continues the epic story of Task Force 141 makes it essential playing for fans of Price, Soap, Nikolai and other staple characters.

I can‘t wait to see what Infinity Ward and Activision have cooking next within this fan-favorite series and storyline! We could be in store for some exciting Modern Warfare announcements in 2024.

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