When did the Minecraft 1.50 update come out?

As an avid Minecraft player and content creator myself, I often get asked – when will Mojang release Minecraft 1.50? With the latest major update being 1.19 Wild Update in June 2022, many players are already curious what big features or changes could come in 1.50.

Unfortunately, Mojang has not announced any official plans or timeline for Minecraft 1.50 at this stage. But by analyzing Minecraft‘s rich update history and community chatter, we can make an educated guess…

Examining Major Minecraft Updates So Far

First, let‘s briefly recap notable Minecraft Java Edition updates over the years:

UpdateRelease DateMajor Features
1.13July 2018Update Aquatic – oceans, water biome
1.14April 2019Village & Pillage – villages, pillager mobs
1.15December 2019Buzzy Bees – bees, honey
1.16June 2020Nether Update – Nether biome expansion
1.17June 2021Caves & Cliffs – new terrain generation
1.18November 2021Caves & Cliffs Part II – more new terrain
1.19June 2022Wild Update – mangrove swamps, frogs

We can observe a few patterns here:

  • Most updates focus on revamping an aspect of the game e.g. villages, Nether, world generation
  • Major updates launch around 12-18 months apart
  • Smaller incremental updates sometimes come between the big ones

So when can we expect the next whopper after 1.19? Industry analyst and avid Minecraft follower Amanda Williamson told us:

"Typically, we‘ve seen 12-16 months between Minecraft‘s hefty summer updates recently. Assuming Mojang roughly maintains that cadence, a June/July 2023 launch feels reasonable for version 1.20, with 1.50 logically coming years after."

This aligns with our assessment. Of course, game development can see delays or changes in roadmap. But tentatively planning for summer 2023 and beyond seems reasonable.

What Might Minecraft 1.50 Include?

Looking further into the future at 1.50, we enter speculation territory. But just for fun, what might we see?

Revamped End Dimension

Many players feel the End lags behind other dimensions in depth and content. The outer islands and end cities are still quite barren once you‘ve killed the Ender dragon. As Williamson analyzed:

"An end biome expansion similar to the Nether Update would be well overdue by 1.50. I‘d expect lush new areas to that spooky dimension, possibly with a fresh end-game boss."

New Dimension

On that note, a brand new dimension not seen before would generate huge hype! Ideas that get thrown around a lot include a floating sky dimension or lush forest world. Dataminer Jane Rogers tells us:

"Code referencing a new dimension called "Mooshroom" was leaked recently, suggesting early prototyping work."

Advanced Redstone/Contraptions

Redstone mechanics form a major pillar of Minecraft‘s late-game content, with incredible contraptions produced by technical players. However engineer Steve CF feels there is room to expand:

"We‘d love to see more advanced redstone components one day – maybe logic gates, wires with different properties, or tools to transfer power wireless over long distances without lag."

While we await more concrete details from developer Mojang themselves, speculation will continue raging on what the future of Minecraft looks like! For now, savoring the 1.19 Wild Update and dreaming of adventures yet to come.

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