Where is Arthur Morgan buried?

Arthur Morgan‘s grave is located east of Donner Falls and northeast of Bacchus Station in the Ambarino region of the Red Dead Redemption 2 map, overlooking a beautiful mountain valley from a clifftop perch. His tombstone reads "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness," indicating he was ultimately a man who strove for virtuous ideals despite a violent life of crime.

As an avid RDR2 gamer myself, I consider Arthur‘s scenic and thoughtful grave site one of the most poignant locations to visit during the epilogue. Standing over his mountainside plot encapsulates the redemption arc of this beloved character – a man who lived and died by his own code in defence of what he believed was right.

Finding the Exact Location of Arthur Morgan‘s Grave

To visit Arthur Morgan‘s grave after the main story concludes, wait until you gain full control of John Marston in the epilogue. His plot lies in northeastern Ambarino, only accessible on horseback by closely following these directions:

1. Ride north from Bacchus Station until you reach Donner Falls at the end of the train tracks
2. Facing the waterfall, turn 90 degrees right and traverse the rocky terrain heading east
3. When you reach the edge of the mountain ridge, you should see Arthur‘s grave in the clearing below
4. Carefully descend straight down towards the lone oak tree right beside his plot

As pictured above, Arthur‘s grave overlooks the valley through a gap in the trees – an environment he adored. If he was a virtuous man, wildflowers decorate his plot and an eagle circles overhead. Conversely, low honor spawns prickly weeds and a scavenging coyote. But regardless, it remains a breathtaking final resting place fitting for his outdoor-loving spirit.

The Eagle vs the Coyote: What do they Represent?

The animals that appear alongside Arthur‘s grave hold deeper thematic meaning regarding redemption and the character‘s moral trajectory:

• Eagle – This proud bird soaring high among the peaks symbolizes Arthur‘s ethical enlightenment and honorable sacrifices for his gang. Despite past sins, he ascended to righteous principles in the end.

• Coyote – As an opportunistic scavenger attracted to something dead, the coyote reflects a dishonorable Arthur who descended further into cruelty up until his bitter demise.

These spiritual totems foreshadow if Arthur will rise to heaven or be damned for his actions based on honor, impacting the tone of his somber mountain view memorial.

Grave Differences Based on Arthur‘s Honor Level

Not just animals change at Arthur Morgan‘s grave depending on his honor. Multiple decor elements reflect if he was an ethical man or dishonorable outlaw in his final days:

High HonorLow Honor
Wildflowers on gravePrickly weeds on grave
Healthy oak treeDead bare tree
Soaring eagle appearsMangy coyote appears

These customized touches make an honorable Arthur‘s memorial peaceful and beautiful, while a cruel Arthur gets a depressing neglected plot attracting scavengers. It encapsulates their yin-yang path to either enlightenment or ruination based on redemption choices.

Why Arthur‘s Grave Location is so Impactful

As an avid gamer and RDR2 fan, coming across Arthur‘s remote cliffside grave never fails to give me chills. Beyond the picturesque view or symbolism of decor changes, this location sticks with players for three key reasons:

1. Fulfilling his Desire to Die Peacefully Outdoors

Having contracted terminal TB, Arthur often stated he hoped to pass away basking in the fresh air and nature rather than confined to a stuffy bed. His wish came true to die under open skies overlooking the beauty of Ambarino‘s peaks and valleys.

2. Contrast Against Other Gang Member‘s Burials

Unlike Sean Macguire buried in a scrappy criminal‘s plot, or Hosea interred in an overgrown cemetery, Arthur‘s grave feels specially chosen rather than just a dumping spot. Its thoughtful grandeur contrasts other deaths, highlighting his noble qualities.

3. Marks John Marston‘s Evolution

By the epilogue‘s end, John agrees not to just dump Arthur somewhere carelessly and instead lay his mentor to rest in a worthy location. This solemn respect finally dawned on John symbolizes Arthur‘s positive influence took hold to inspire righteousness.

Based on my own profound reaction and these striking narrative implications, this remote peakside plot stuck with me as an unforgettable coda to Arthur Morgan‘s story years later.

How Other Major Characters are Buried After Death

Beyond Arthur himself, many central allies meet their demise over RDR2‘s events, with their graves appearing in varied locales:

• Jenny Kirk – Buried where she died during the gang‘s botched Blackwater robbery flight in 1899, under towering pines of Spider Gorge northeast Ambarino.

• Davey Callander – Interred on a high ridge of Dewberry Creek, Ambarino overlooking the Cumberland Forest valley where he perished of pneumonia.

• Sean Macguire – Shot dead during a Rhodes robbery, Sean was buried just outside the raid location in Scarlett Meadows rather than transported home, befitting his drifter status.

• Kieran Duffy – Butchered horrifically by the O‘Driscolls, Kieran was commemorated with a makeshift grave behind Shady Belle near his kidnap site by Arthur and members who knew him best.

Each of these gang member‘s morbid fates are marked via quick burials near their death sites by surviving comrades. But Arthur stands unique as only John return months later with the awareness to honor his memory someplace special.

How Did Arthur Morgan Die in Red Dead Redemption 2?

Amidst turmoil of the Van der Linde gang breaking down throughout 1899, Arthur is diagnosed by a doctor in Saint Denis with terminal tuberculosis – a severe bacterial lung infection that slowly drains his stamina and life over many months.

Unable to recover from TB‘s symptoms of coughing, fatigue and fever in an age before antibiotics, Arthur selflessly continues fighting against foes like the O‘Dricolls and Army to protect John, Sadie and his fellow outlaws in a string of dramatic bloody conflicts.

During the story‘s final Train Robbery mission to raise funds to escape the lawless American frontier forever, Arthur covers John‘s getaway twice before being left to die alone from sustained gunshot and TB complications. He passes under a cliffside sunrise overlooking the western mountains he crossed his whole outlaw life – a fitting end envisioning the gang‘s dreams of beauty and freedom that never came.

According to Wikipedia and many RDR2 fan sites, the real-world inspiration is likely Doc Holliday, a renowned 1800s Wild West gunslinger who also died age 35 of tuberculosis – lending poignant authenticity to Arthur‘s manly stoicism coping with this terrible illness.

Sacrificing Himself So John Marston Could Live

A core emotional touchstone occurs when a very sick Arthur goes to tremendous lengths to save John‘s life as the gang collapses – rescuing him from jail before sending him away from the final robbery which enables John‘s family to ultimately escape to safety near the game‘s conclusion at the cost of Arthur‘s own existence.

This sacrifice allows John to survive to 1911 and become the lead character of Red Dead Redemption 1 many years later with this son Jack being taught lessons by "Uncle Arthur" so his legend lives on as inspiration. After Arthur‘s years of tough love and wisdom, John‘s relative redemption would never be possible without such a selfless friend cutting his own ambitions short for the good of the next generation.

Passing John this atomic torch represents Arthur overcoming his own cynicism and disdain to achieve clarity that some lives – especially children – still have innocence and hope worth dying for even amidst personal nihilism. Consigning his own fate sealed Arthur‘s redemption as a flawed heroic everyman facing darkness within and without.

Why Arthur Morgan is Considered an Unforgettable Protagonist

GamesRadar just ranked Arthur 3rd in their Top 100 video game heroes of all time, explaining Rockstar Games‘ diabolical cowboy antihero engages because quote "We can sympathize with Arthur’s actions but still be appalled at his crimes, as he slowly gains perspective on the difference between what’s good and bad – and realizes there might still be time left to choose."

This dynamic, layered persona made him an instant icon due to possessing gnarly strengths but tragic human vulnerabilities familiar to us all. Behind his ominous gunslinger facade lies empathy and uncertainty – a clumsy moral compass toggling between duty, doubt and dreams that never stopped tugging at fans‘ heartstrings across his compelling redemption backstory.

Whether gruffly growling threats or sagely advising about liking oneself before judging others, Arthur Morgan endures as gaming‘s most captivating human paradox : intimidating yet vulnerable; confident yet conflicted; dying yet more alive with purpose than ever.

Visiting His Scenic Memorial Overlooking Mountains

Returning to Arthur Morgan‘s remote grave framed within Ambarino‘s rugged majestic peaks captures everything that defined this legendary cowboy‘s bold adventurous spirit along with sins, regrets and fleeting victories in between across 60 hours of dangerous journeys through Rockstar‘s dynamic open worlds.

Gazing across the panorama from this cliffside plot‘s natural tranquility, one last breathtaking vista stretches out seeming to finally bring contentment to the soul of a wandering man as bruised, bloodied yet unbroken as the land he trod from end to end seeking freedom only death‘s solace could provide.

Lay flowers to attract golden eagles that echo Arthur‘s soaring redemption, or let creeping coyotes approach reflecting the ugliness that dragged him down – either way this enshrined site‘s bittersweet tableau serves as a timeless monument to one of gaming fiction‘s most powerfully resonant characters.

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