Where is SCP-096 located?

If decades of secret anomalies have taught me one thing, it’s that the SCP Foundation has perfected the art of hiding things in plain sight. So when it comes to containenting one of their most dangerous humanoid specimens, SCP-096 – you better believe they have a top-tier containment site prepared.

After digging through restricted case files and consulting with contacts among MTF intelligence agents, I’ve pieced together the likely location. SCP-096 is held deep within a remote mountain facility hidden high up in the Andes mountain range along the Chile-Argentina border. Why here? Isolation, privacy, defensive advantage. It checks all the boxes. Let‘s break things down:

Primary Containment Facility-09: Purpose-Built for Dangerous Humanoid SCPs

While most classified, my sources describe SCP-096 being held at Primary Containment Site-09, dedicated specifically for dangerous humanoid SCP entities.

Facility blueprint

This sprawling, multi-level underground complex has state-of-the-art occult shielding technology, surveillance, redundant containment systems and enough weapons to take on a small army. Which makes sense once we look at who they have locked up here:

  • SCP-096: Transport now authorized by O5 Command only
  • SCP-280: Constant harmonic vibration containment unit
  • SCP-457: Thermographic tracking & suppression systems

And likely others too classified for even my Level 4 clearance. But it goes to show they spare no expense keeping humanoid SCPs securely contained at this one dedicate facility.

Now let‘s talk location…

Isolated High Altitude Location: Security & Secrecy

The Facility-09 complex is carved deep into the mountainside at over 6,000 meters elevation somewhere along the Chile-Argentina border region of the High Andes.

This provides extreme isolation and natural barriers preventing unauthorized access or escape. The thin atmosphere also means helicopter access only, even for personnel rotations.

Finally, the mountains offer both physical reinforcements and occult geomantic forces that enhance the metaphysical shields surrounding the facility. Between sheer walls of ice and rock and twisting ley lines intersecting through the valley, nothing‘s getting in our out of this place easily.

<img src="scp-facility-aerial-view.png" alt="Facility aerial view" width="600 height="200">

Now let‘s look inside…

Containment & Security Overview

SCP-096 containment cell
A labyrinth of checkpoints, protocols and advanced systems contain and monitor the entities held here. And SCP-096 is awarded among the highest security precautions. According to logs, its containment cell lies in a sealed sublevel almost a kilometer down. Reinforced blast doors open into a bifurcated pathway surrounding a central observation chamber. Only Class IV personnel with Omega-12 clearance can even request access.

Inside, the latest occult shielding lines every surface – shielding not just physical forms but even mental, spiritual or informational projections. A reality-anchoring framework quashes extradimensional manipulation while forcefields stand ready for more mundane containment breaches. SCP assets refer to these cells as "blackboxes" – nothing gets in or out without approval.

And oversight here is nearly panoptic. Hundreds of infrared, electromagnetic and quantum waveform sensors monitor entities for the slightest anomalous readings. Dedicated containment teams stand armed and ready for rapid response actions. And UIU special forces run regular infiltration and combat drills using VR immersion rigs custom-modeled on the facility.

Don‘t forget – this being built to contain some of the most dangerous humanoid anomalies in captivity. If anything so much as twitches wrong, security swarms faster than SCP-096 sprinting at 35 kph!


So in summary – current intel suggests SCP-096 is securely contained within a dedicated anomalous containment site carved from a remote mountain plateau deep in the High Andes. Only time will tell if these extreme precautions are enough to keep SCP-096 fully contained. But short of a full-on Ticonderoga-scale dimensional incursion or reality restructuring event, this facility likely has SCP-096 and its volatile lethal response trigger locked down.

Let me know what you think of my detective work piecing together SCP-096’s containment procedures! What other anomalies would you speculate Facility-09 houses? Can even hypersecure sites like this fully contain paranatural beings of immense power? Hit me up in the comments or on my socials! Just no memetic kill agent corrupted images please 😅

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