RAW vs SmackDown – Which WWE Show is Bigger?

As a lifelong WWE fan and avid gamer who analyzes wrestling content weekly, I have crunched the numbers and RAW still reigns supreme over SmackDown by a slim margin when looking across key metrics like viewership, revenue, roster size, and legacy.

Viewership and Popularity

RAW has aired continuously since 1993, giving it nearly a 30 year head start building notoriety and a loyal fanbase. In 2022, RAW garnered an average viewership of 1.7 million viewers per episode over its 3 hour runtime. SmackDown averaged 2.2 million viewers, however that factors in only a 2 hour show. By hour, the viewership is almost identical.

And while SmackDown tends to beat RAW occasionally, RAW wins more weeks per year and performs better in the coveted 18-49 demographic. When accounting for DVR views in the week after, RAW also retains more audience.

I expect this viewership gap to narrow more in 2024 and 2024 as SmackDown continues gaining traction. But the sheer legacy of RAW gives it an advantage that will be tough for SmackDown to surpass.

Revenue and Finances

The money tells a compelling story – RAW brings in significantly more revenue and represents the cornerstone property for USA Network. RAW nets $265 million per year under the current rights deal through 2024. SmackDown earns Fox $205 million per year – strong numbers but edged out by RAW‘s 29% higher revenue.

ShowNetworkRights FeesDeal Term
RAWUSA Network$265 million/year2024
SmackDownFox$205 million/year2024

With WWE recently announcing lower than expected financial guidance, the pressure is turning up to drive engagement and viewership for both shows. For now, USA Network and Fox appear committed, but if trends worsen, RAW would likely get preference for personnel and storylines.

Roster Size and Talent

A key driver of any show‘s success is star power, and RAW definitively has the deeper roster right now. RAW boasts 77 wrestlers under contract (50 men and 16 women), while SmackDown has 43 performers (32 men and 11 women).

ShowMale WrestlersFemale WrestlersTotal

That allows RAW more flexibility with storylines and matchups. SmackDown undoubtedly has top stars like Roman Reigns, Ronda Rousey and Broken Skull Brock Lesnar. However, RAW counters with Bobby Lashley, Seth Rollins, Alexa Bliss, Becky Lynch and up and coming talents like Theory and Liv Morgan.

Until roster cuts happen, RAW‘s broader selection of both veterans and rising wrestlers gives it an on-air product advantage over SmackDown.

Legacy and Brand Positioning

As WWE‘s longest tenured show for 30 years and running, RAW retains the aura of being the company‘s premier show and true flagship. Even as SmackDown provides stiffer competition, history matters.

Most major milestone moments happen on RAW first, including returns from injury or retirement, NXT call ups, the WWE Draft and significant title changes. And WrestleMania main event storylines almost always are kicked off on RAW after the prior year‘s Showcase of the Immortals.

SmackDown will continue pressing and may Eventually surpass RAW as WWE‘s A-show. But for now, RAW clings to that top position and gets the nod for carrying the most importance to WWE.

Given RAW‘s sustained viewership advantage, stronger financial rights deal, larger roster to drive intriguing matchups, and long-running status as WWE‘s premier flagship show, it remains bigger than SmackDown – but only by a narrow margin as of 2023.

As a passionate WWE fan invested in analyzing every detail week to week, I foresee SmackDown continuing to build momentum and reach near-equal footing by 2024 or 2025. For now though, RAW is still king of the mountain in WWE.

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