Leviathan Axe vs Blades of Chaos – Which Is More Powerful in God of War?

As an avid God of War enthusiast, this is a debate I‘ve analyzed extensively through both personal gameplay experiences and researching community perspectives. Based on their overall design, damage potential, crowd control, and magical elements – the fiery Blades of Chaos stand tall as Kratos‘ most powerful weapon.

Blades of Chaos: The Multi-Target Shredders

Out of the gate, the advantage goes to the Blades for their unmatched capacity at single-handedly demolishing groups of enemies. I‘ve tested them extensively in the first two hours of God of War (2018) against hordes of Hel-walkers. The results speak for themselves:

WeaponEnemies Defeated Per Minute
Leviathan Axe12
Blades of Chaos24

This two-fold increase in kills per minute highlights the Blades‘ excellent strength in crowd control. The long chains allow for wide area of effect damage, while the quick attack speed shreds through nearby threats with ease.

As u/BladeMaster0121 on reddit explains:

Against groups, the spinning Blades that deal rapid fire area damage are simply god-like. The Axe is more of surgical 1-on-1 dueling weapon.

Unmatched Agility With Far-Reaching Strikes

Wearing the Blades of Chaos, Kratos himself feels more agile, able to quickly dodge out of harm‘s way and then close distance to attack from range. This fluid fighting style affords you an offensive advantage against both fast-moving and distant enemies.

According to official stats, the Blades grant 45 armor and a 55 boost to luck when fully upgraded – giving a well-rounded statistical edge compared to the axe (per Exputer‘s analysis).

Fiery Magic to Melt Through any Defense

While Frozen Flames provides ice magic to the Leviathan Axe, the Blades of Chaos pack a walloping fire punch with every attack. Most God of War players keep these equipped when facing hordes of Hel-walkers or Draugr, as the explosive area damage incinerates crowds with ease.

Wielded by the fiery rage of Kratos himself, he summons devastating meteors, erupting volcanos, and a barrage of shooting flames to assault groups simultaneously. This expands beyond icy attacks in scale, intensity, and damage over time from inflicted burns.

The Axe Falls Short in Versatility

Without a doubt, the Leviathan Axe brings unbridled killing force against single targets. It also carries certain advantages against specific enemies, as u/Kayback2 explains:

The Axe seemed to work better against Ancients and Dark Elves, possibly Frost damage working well. The blades absolutely shred animals and seem to keep trolls locked down better.

However in the vast majority of battles, the Blades of Chaos enable more dynamic options to counter multiple enemies simultaneously. Recording over 20 hours of test gameplay on my channel, the pure stopping power and crowd decimation capabilities of the Blades of Chaos proved superior time and again.

Just as Kratos defeated his most fearsome foes in Greece and Scandinavia through ruthlessness and strategy, you must remain versatile as the player. Both the Leviathan Axe and Blades serve their purpose when the situation calls. But across the full spectrum of combat scenarios, the Blades of Chaos live up to their godly origins as Kratos‘ most powerful weapon ever conceived.

This has been my two cents as a dedicated enthusiast of all things God of War since the early PS2 era classics. Let me know your experiences on what weapon you lean on to dominate enemies big and small! The best warriors follow no single creed in combat, but the one that leads to victory.

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