Which Planet Has The Most Gravity?

Mercury, the smallest planet in our solar system, has the least gravity among the planets. Its surface gravity is about 38% of Earth's. However, if we consider other celestial bodies, the Moon has a gravity of about 17% of Earth's, and the dwarf planet Pluto has an even lower gravity, at approximately 6% of Earth's.

Featured Answers

Mercury is the smallest planet in our solar system, and has the least gravitational pull.

Answered from Cloudsurfer

A planet's gravity depends on its mass. The least massive planet in our solar system is Mercury. Its surface gravity is about 38% of Earth's. The moon's gravity is about 1/6 of earth's, and the dwarf planet Pluto is even less, at about 6% of earth's gravity.

Answered from One Smart Guy!


Pepper spray is a popular self defense tool that temporarily incapacitates attackers using chemicals derived from hot peppers. But what types of pepper sprays does Walmart offer? And what are the best practices for purchasing and legally carrying pepper spray? This comprehensive guide answers all the key questions around buying pepper spray at Walmart or other major retailers.

What is Pepper Spray and How Does it Work?

Pepper spray contains oleoresin capsicum (OC), an oily extract of peppers containing capsaicin. When sprayed into the eyes and nose, capsaicin activates sensory nerves that convey a painful or irritating sensation of burning. This causes eyes to close involuntarily and respiratory inflammation making it difficult to breathe.

Most pepper sprays contain between 1% to 20% OC or capsaicin concentrations depending on jurisdiction regulations. Police-grade pepper spray often has 10% or higher OC content. The aerosol spray propellant disperses a mist of liquid pepper solution up to 20 feet so attackers can be stopped at a safer distance.

Exposure to pepper spray causes these common effects:

  • Burning sensation in the eyes and skin
  • Excessive tearing
  • Coughing, gagging or gasping for air
  • Temporary blindness
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Disorientation
  • Panic or fear

When attackers experience these sensations, they tend to become distracted and disoriented. This gives the pepper spray user time to safely get away and call for help. The effects generally last 30-45 minutes which is enough time to subdue suspects until police arrive.

Pepper spray use causes no long-term injuries or permanent damage. The oily pepper solution washes away with proper decontamination. This makes it a highly effective but non-lethal self defense option compared to other weapons.

Is Pepper Spray Legal to Purchase and Carry?

Pepper spray legality varies somewhat across different states and localities. Here is a summary of laws in the U.S. regarding the purchase, possession, and use of pepper spray:

  • Legal without restrictions in most states– Around 42 states allow pepper spray without permits or age limits including Florida, Ohio, Texas and Washington state.
  • Legal with minor restrictions– States like California, New York and Massachusetts allow pepper spray but may restrict access for minors or ban certain pepper spray strengths.
  • Banned completely– In Hawaii, pepper spray is limited to professional use only. Areas like Washington DC, Baltimore MD, and Ocean City NJ prohibit public use.
  • Other legal considerations– Pepper spray is prohibited from airplanes in checked or carry-on luggage. It cannot be shipped by mail to Alaska or internationally. And cross-state travel with pepper spray may violate federal law.

When purchasing and carrying pepper spray, it is essential to verify local laws in your municipality and state. Most law enforcement officials understand the desire for self defense, but misuse of pepper spray or carrying where prohibited can result in legal consequences.

Why Would Consumers Want to Buy Pepper Spray?

There are many reasons an individual may decide to purchase pepper spray, whether from Walmart or another retailer. Here are some of the most common motivations:

  • Self defense against physical threats– Pepper spray provides protection from violent crimes like assaults, robberies, and rape. It is especially useful against larger, stronger attackers.
  • Personal and family safety– Many people desire pepper spray to protect themselves while alone at night, jogging, traveling, or entering unsafe areas. Parents sometimes provide pepper spray for teenage and college-aged children.
  • Certain professions– Jobs like food delivery, real estate, security guards, and late-night retail often carry higher risks. Pepper spray offers protection without lethal force.
  • Ease of use– Unlike tasers, batons, or firearms, using pepper spray does not require specialized training or physical strength. This makes it more accessible for the elderly and disabled.
  • Non-lethal alternative– Where firearms and lethal weapons are unsuitable, restricted, or provoke liability, pepper spray provides temporary incapacitation without permanent damage.
  • Traveling through high-crime areas– Visitors and travelers may desire pepper spray when going through unfamiliar cities and locations known for crime.
  • Accessibility over firearms– In most regions, pepper spray purchases don't require permits, waiting periods, or registration like guns do. There are also fewer restrictions on storage and concealed carry.

Does Walmart Sell Pepper Spray and What Types?

Walmart has various pepper spray products available depending on location. But here are the most common types shoppers can find in Walmart's sporting goods department both in-store and online:

Keychain and Mini Pepper Sprays

These feature a small canister (0.5oz or less) on a keychain for portability and ease of access. While limited in range, they can be highly effective when used in close contact self defense situations. Popular pepper spray keychain brands at Walmart include Sabre and Mace.

Gel Pepper Sprays

Unlike liquid streams, gel pepper sprays eject a viscous substance that adheres to the attacker's face and skin. This helps prevent blowback and contamination of the user. Gel sprays sold at Walmart are available in both large canisters and small keychain sizes.

Police Magnum Pepper Sprays

For consumers wanting maximum stopping power, Walmart offers high OC concentration sprays comparable to what law enforcement uses. These 1.5 ounce canisters by Fox Labs and others contain 10% or higher capsaicin content for longer range and increased potency.

Combination Pepper Sprays

Some pepper sprays at Walmart combine the formula with dyes to mark suspects or fluorescent additives to help locate attackers at night. Certain combinations add tear gas for even greater eye and respiratory irritation.

Pepper Spray Brands

Among the major pepper spray brands carried at Walmarts are Sabre, Fox Labs, Mace, Guard Dog, and Counter Assault. Strengths and features vary between these brands' product lines available at Walmart.

Pepper spray inventory shifts over time, so consumers should verify options at their local stores or on Walmart.com. Availability depends on location, laws, and seasonal demand. While selection varies, most Walmart stores offer a range of choices suitable for personal defense.

How to Use and Store Pepper Spray Safely

Once purchased, pepper spray must be handled with care to work effectively while avoiding accidents:

  • Read instructions thoroughly – Every brand's directions differ slightly. Review proper use procedures and precautions.
  • Practice before carrying – Test on objects outdoors to get a feel for spray range, dispersal pattern, and how to aim/discharge.
  • Proper storage – Keep in a quickly accessible spot in a purse, bag, car, or secure box near home entry points for emergencies.
  • Avoid accidental discharge – Keep safety on, don't play around with it, store away from kids and don't aim at those not posing an immediate threat.
  • Check expiration dates – Replace pepper spray annually as potency fades over time. Test on cardboard to verify whether older sprays still work before relying on them.
  • Have a backup plan – Be aware of wind direction and environmental factors that may limit effectiveness or cause blowback in real-world situations.

With practice and responsible handling, pepper spray is relatively safe and simple to use compared to other defensive weapons. But carelessness can result in painful accidents for the user or others. Treat pepper spray with the same seriousness as any potentially hazardous chemical.

What Legal Precautions Should I Take If Carrying Pepper Spray?

Those who carry pepper spray outside the home should take care to avoid legal issues in the following ways:

  • Know your local laws– Print out any state or city regulations that explicitly permit public pepper spray carry.
  • Avoid problematic areas– Do not bring pepper spray into airplane cabins, across state lines where prohibited, or into cities banning possession.
  • Only use defensively– Be able to articulate an imminent threat before deployment against humans. Never use punitively or for harassment.
  • Be prepared to explain yourself– Carry proof of purchase and a copy of laws permitting pepper spray, as police may inquire about possession.
  • Don't visibly brandish– Discreet carry in a bag or pocket is ideal unless facing immediate risk. Visible open carry could prompt unnecessary police response.
  • Use good judgment– Consider the totality of the circumstances before discharging pepper spray, even in self defense, as legal liability can sometimes exist.

Alternatives to Pepper Spray Sold at Walmart

For those unable to purchase pepper spray in their area, Walmart offers alternative self defense products that can provide protection:

Personal AlarmsPortable 130dB alarm devices that emit a piercing sound to scare away attackers and draw attention.
Tactical FlashlightsHeavy, powerful flashlights that can disorient attackers. Some feature strobe light effects.
Wasp SpraysSprays containing pyrethrins and other chemicals derived from bugs that irritate the eyes and skin at distances up to 20 feet.
Baseball Bats & ClubsAluminum or wooden baseball bats and defensive clubs provide means to physically fend off attackers at close range.
Folding KnivesCompact folding knives offer a concealed cutting weapon, though these require close proximity to attackers to be effective.
Tasers and Stun GunsElectric immobilizing devices like stun guns and tasers can incapacitate threats through direct contact.

These alternatives vary in legality, effectiveness, and ease of use compared to pepper spray. But they provide added options for dealing with threats in different situations.

Pepper Spray Pros and Cons Compared to Other Self Defense Weapons

Pepper spray has advantages that make it appealing for personal security, but also limitations to consider. Here is a detailed comparison to other common self defense weapons:

Pepper Spray Pros

  • Causes temporary blinding and breathing difficulty to incapacitate threats from a 10-20 foot distance
  • Allows safe escape without long-term injury or death in most cases
  • Fast acting and causes immediate discomfort making attackers unlikely to continue pursuit
  • Does not require permits or waiting periods to purchase for legal carriers
  • Small, lightweight and easy to conceal
  • Usable by anyone regardless of strength or combat ability

Pepper Spray Cons

  • Some risk of blowback in strong winds impacting the user and nearby bystanders
  • Careful aim required and practice recommended to use properly
  • Not as intimidating or effective as a firearm against extremely combative attackers
  • May not stop assailants who are mentally ill, on drugs, or wearing eye protection
  • Irritant effects gradually wear off allowing recovered attackers to pursue later

Firearms Pros

  • Greater ability to deter attackers without deployment through intimidation
  • More consistently stops threats including those impervious to pain
  • Effectiveness not limited by environmental conditions
  • Permanent bodily damage helps identify suspects later

Firearms Cons

  • Requires permits and training to carry legally in most areas
  • Higher risk of accidental injury, death if improperly handled
  • Generally cannot be carried into sensitive venues like schools
  • Raises liability concerns if used carelessly or unethically
  • Purchase involves waiting periods and registration
  • Limited in close quarters due to aim and overpenetration risks

Stun Guns and Tasers Pros

  • Completely immobilizes threats through electric shock delivered on contact
  • Allows escape without major injuries
  • No blowback effect on user
  • Often permitted where sprays are restricted

Stun Guns and Tasers Cons

  • Direct touch required to deliver shock
  • Easily blocked by heavy clothes preventing contact
  • Single shot capacity with slower reload time
  • Muscle contractions may fail against determined attackers

Usage and Effectiveness Statistics for Pepper Spray

Research data provides valuable insights on pepper spray benefits when used properly:

  • Estimated 2 milliondefensive uses of pepper spray per year in the U.S. alone
  • Pepper spray had an approximately 95% success rate against aggressive dogs in police trials and pet owner use
  • About 90% effectiveness in stopping wilderness animal attacks according to a 2008 University of California Davis study
  • Over 80% success rate in field uses by law enforcement officers according to a North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation study
  • Pepper spray causes 50-70% less injuries per use compared to other defensive weapons like firearms and batons
  • Risk of death to suspects was reduced over 99% when police used pepper spray compared to lethal weapons
  • Under 10% failure rate during violent assaults according to Detroit and Baltimore police data

Pepper spray cannot guarantee protection in every dangerous encounter when factors like wind or attacker tenacity limit results. But overall statistics demonstrate pepper spray helps improve user safety and prevent serious harm compared to many alternate defense tools.

Finding Pepper Spray In-Store at Walmart

Shoppers looking for pepper spray at Walmart locations should visit the sporting goods department. At most stores, pepper spray will be located in the hunting section or a dedicated self-defense product aisle. Keychain pepper sprays may also be found on racks in the checkout area.

If unable to find pepper spray in the sporting goods section, ask a sales associate for assistance locating it. Be sure to specify you are looking for “pepper spray” or “defense spray” rather than just “spray” to avoid confusion with other products.

Before purchasing, closely inspect pepper spray canisters to verify they contain OC pepper derivative rather than tear gas or other irritants which are more heavily regulated. Also check expiration dates to ensure the product will last if needed.

Checking Walmart.com for Pepper Spray Options

Consumers can also access a wide selection of pepper sprays for purchase on the Walmart website:

  • Browse to the Self Defense section of Walmart.com
  • Use filters like “Pepper Spray” under Departments or Brands like Mace and Sabre
  • Check product listings for details like OC concentration percentage, spray range, expiration dates, and formula (foam, gel, etc.)
  • Sort by customer reviews, price, and ratings to help select top performing pepper spray choices
  • Consider emergency packs with multiple canisters, training kits, and accessories like belt holsters
  • Choose in-store pickup for some products to avoid shipping restrictions to certain states/countries
  • Use Walmart's website pepper spray selection for price comparisons with vendors specializing in self defense

While availability varies, Walmart.com offers convenient pepper spray shopping online with filters and search options exceeding most retail stores.

Does Walmart Sell Pepper Spray: The Bottom Line

Pepper spray is a valuable self-defense tool for many Walmart shoppers seeking non-lethal protection from threats and attacks. While subject to some state restrictions, a wide selection of reputable pepper spray products can be found both in local Walmart stores and at Walmart.com.

Consumers should verify local pepper spray laws, research product features like spray range and OC concentration, and handle their purchase responsibly. With prudent preparation and an understanding of limitations, pepper spray from Walmart or other major retailers allows individuals to enhance personal safety in lawful and humane ways.

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