Should You Start With The Witcher 3? Absolutely.

As an avid gamer and creator, the question I get asked constantly is: which Witcher game should newcomers start with first?

My wholehearted recommendation? The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, no question.

As someone obsessed with introducing new fans to one of my all-time favorite series, I‘ve written and rewritten this advice endlessly. So let me break down clearly why Wild Hunt is hands-down the best entry point.

Accessible Doesn‘t Mean Dumbed Down

The Witcher 3 faced a challenge: craft an open-world action RPG exciting for veterans yet accessible to new audiences drawn in by hype.

Many blockbuster franchises stumble when balancing newcomers versus existing fans. Often they either overload new players with obscure lore, or strip complexity away until barely recognizable to longtime devotees.

Yet CD Projekt Red nailed the balancing act flawlessly. As Eurogamer raved: "This is an introduction-level fantasy world as gentle and unthreatening as a little lapdog with a heart of gold. It‘s a world I wouldn‘t hesitate to show to almost anyone…yet one offering CPDR‘s signature maturity and moral murk for long-term inhabitants."

Accessible doesn‘t mean "dumbed down" here. The Witcher 3 doesn‘t patronize players as idiots needing constant tutorials or exposition dumps. It respects their intelligence while meeting newcomers at their level.

Newbie-Friendly By Design

Producer Marek Ziemak explained this balancing act was intentional:

"We designed this game to be very newbie-friendly. If you didn‘t play previous games, that‘s fine – the game is fully enjoyable. If you played before, you feel at home. But we don‘t make the player do a doctorate in The Witcher universe to understand and feel what‘s happening around you."

This philosophy shines through. The Witcher 3 teaches subtly: smart systems gradually introduce characters, locales, politics, without boring exposition. I leapt in fresh myself and immediately fell in love understanding the complex world.

Direct Seqeuls Divide Fans

Compare this success to Mass Effect or Assassin‘s Creed. These serieses often frustrate new players by assuming familiarity with past games.

Sure, devoted fans may argue ME1 or AC2 are masterpieces newcomers must play. But their steep learning curves often frustrate casual players just trying to have fun.

The Witcher 3 being Geralt‘s final chapter gave developers freedom crafting an accessible experience. And most fans insist skipping earlier chapters isn‘t detrimental here. As PCGamer explained elegantly: "Savour the scraps about [past events], as they‘re a chance to immerse in back-story rather than dutifully catch up on homework."

Pros & Cons of Earlier Witcher Games

But what about playing earlier Witcher games first? Let‘s analyze pros and cons:

The Witcher (2007)
| Pros | Cons |
|Origins of Geralt & Triss| Clunky combat|
| Establishes world lore | Outdated graphics|
| More political focus | Sex cards |

The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings (2011)

Deeper lore on The Wild Hunt villainsLinear levels
Political drama around TemeriaOverwhelming difficulty spikes
Introduction to Ciri, YenneferLess memorable side quests

I love both earlier games. But cons like convoluted political plots or uneven difficulty frustrated many newcomers. The Witcher 3 refined the formula into perfectly balanced intrigue and action.

The Pinnacle: Wild Hunt‘s Masterpiece Recipe

Imagine The Witcher 3 as a "director‘s cut" of an already-phenomenal franchise, elevating it into an undisputed masterpiece.

Key Evolution Highlights:

  • Accessible Open World: Vast yet welcoming Northern Kingdoms stuffed with secrets

  • Memorable Characters: Fan-favorites like Ciri feel fully-realized colorful companions

  • "Best Quests in RPGs": Bloody Baron. Crones of Crookback Bog. Countless unforgettable storylines.

  • Mastery of Moral Greyness: Sophisticated storytelling creates nuanced shades of grey.

  • 90% critical acclaim. Over 800 awards. It‘s not just me – The Witcher 3 is considered one of the greatest games ever made, perfecting the formula.

The Witcher 3 represents the pinnacle for fantasy RPG storytelling, worldbuilding, adventure. Why start anywhere else? This masterpiece welcomes newcomers while delivering everything fans love.

Trust me – as a creator endlessly recommending epic games, this one‘s magic shouldn‘t be missed! Still need convincing? Read my "Top 10 Reasons Why The Witcher 3 is an Instant Fantasy Masterpiece" article next!

What fantasy franchise did you start with recently? Reply and let me know!

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