Who is Edward Richtofen Based On? An In-Depth Analysis

Edward Richtofen clearly takes inspiration from two notorious figures in history – the death-defying Red Baron of World War I and the sadistic Nazi doctor Josef Mengele. However, over many Zombies maps and storylines, Richtofen has transformed into a unique and multidimensional character all his own.

The Red Baron – Richtofen‘s Namesake and Flying Ace Inspiration

Richtofen shares a surname and killer pilot reputation with Manfred von Richthofen, better known as the “Red Baron.” This iconic German fighter pilot had over 80 confirmed victories against Allied aircraft in World War I. Considering the Red Baron shot down more planes than any other pilot in the war, Richtofen has big boots to fill when it comes to his aerial combat skills.

The Red Baron‘s Controversial Death

The Red Baron died in combat at age 25 after sustaining a fatal gunshot wound while flying over Morlancourt Ridge in France. Controversy and debate still rage over who exactly fired the shot that killed this elite German ace:

Theorized "Killers" of the Red Baron
Australian Machine Gunners (Sgt. Cedric Popkin)
Canadian Pilot (Capt. Roy Brown)
Anti-Aircraft Guns
Lucky Shot from Allied Ground Troops

The best evidence suggests Australian machine gunner Sergeant Cedric Popkin scored the decisive blow. But the final verdict remains hotly contested even over 100 years later.

Shared Fascination with the Color Red

True to his iconic moniker, the Red Baron painted his aircraft bright red. Similarly, Richtofen frequently incorporates red into his wardrobe and experiments. However, while the Red Baron‘s red Fokker Triplane symbolized his prowess in combat, Richtofen‘s red motif represents blood and carnage from his gruesome Zombies research according to aesthetic analysis.

Josef Mengele – The "Angel of Death" Doctor

Aspects of Richtofen also parallel Josef Mengele, a Nazi doctor at the Auschwitz death camp during World War II. Mengele‘s horrific medical experiments aimed to unlock genetic secrets earned him the chilling nickname “Angel of Death.”

Macabre Experiments with No Regard for Human Life

Like Richtofen, Mengele displayed a callous disregard for basic ethics as he dissected people alive in his "research." Both conducted gruesome experiments out of scientific curiosity rather than a shred of compassion. Some key procedures from their houses of horror include:

Richtofen Zombies Experiments

  • Electroshock tests
  • Vivisections
  • Element 115 exposure
  • Brain extraction

Mengele Medical Experiments

  • Injecting chemicals into eyeballs trying to change eye color
  • Amputating limbs and organs without anesthesia
  • Freezing prisoners to near death
  • Sewing twins together to create conjoined humans

Richtofen aims to enhance the undead while Mengele focused on twins, but both ended up torturing and killing countless innocent people in vile experiments.

Two "Angels of Death"

Josef Mengele‘s concentration camp victims dubbed him the “Angel of Death” due to his cold-blooded torture behind the thin veneer of a medical professional. Similarly, Richtofen earned names like “The Butcher” and “Doctor of the Damned” for his work creating the Zombies plague.

In the end, both men became more demonic than angelic with thousands of deaths tied to their research according to historical reports from the periods.

Richtofen – A Unique Fictional Villain Across Space and Time

While originally inspired by these notorious real-world figures, Edward Richtofen has transformed into a distinct complex character over many Zombies maps and storylines. He has traveled through warps across time, space, and fractured dimensions while displaying signs of insanity, psychotic behavior, and satanic corruption.

Choice Determines the Core of Richtofen‘s Character

Most fiction eventually casts villains as irredeemable, but Call of Duty has made Richtofen an anomaly. His core character remains shaped by player decisions across Zombies timelines and alternative plot directions.

Choose one path and Richtofen achieves enlightenment, remorse, and redemption. Pick the other fork and he continues descending as a power-hungry demon wielding corruption from the Dark Aether itself. Expert gaming analysts have called Richtofen “a true wildcard” when predicting his ending.

Richtofen at the Center of the Zombies Story Universe

While Richtofen started life as a relatively small character from Call of Duty: World at War, he now clearly stands shoulder-to-shoulder alongside icons like Captain Price when it comes to importance.

Richtofen has intersected with and impacted every core character in the Zombies mythos, including Samantha, Dr. Monty, the Shadowman, Primis Nikolai and more. His ultimate fate will dramatically influence the entire future course of the Call of Duty franchise according to developers and leaks from industry insiders.

So while originally inspired by two evil figures from humanity’s past, Edward Richtofen has taken on a unique and unpredictable life as one of Call of Duty’s most pivotal characters ever created.

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