Kaeya is Most Frequently Shipped with Diluc in the Genshin Impact Fandom

The most popular romantic pairing for Kaeya Alberich by far is with Diluc Ragnvindr, the wealthy winery magnate and Diluc‘s adopted brother in Genshin Impact.

As former friends turned rivals with an angsty backstory, their enemies-to-lovers dynamic strikes a chord with fans. Across major online fan spaces like AO3, Twitter, Reddit, and Discord, the Kaeya/Diluc pairing dominates discussion around romantic ships involving the flirtatious Cavalry Captain.

Why Kaeya/Diluc Captivates Fans

As a long-time Genshin Impact player myself, the intense emotional draw of Kaeya/Diluc makes complete sense. Their fraught relationship pulls at the heartstrings:

  • Adopted brothers and once inseparable friends
  • Painful betrayal that turned them bitter rivals
  • Lingering feelings underneath the resentment and distrust

It‘s the very definition of a slow burn romance. And who can resist a good enemies-to-lovers trope? The angsty tension combines beautifully with soft recollections of their happier shared past.

And on top of that – their personalities couldn‘t be more contrasting! Playful trickster Kaeya balancing out grim stoic Diluc. Fans eat up the dynamic of Diluc‘s seriousness being teased out little by little behind closed doors by his roguishly charming ex-friend.

The rich backstory and complex character dynamics provide the ultimate foundational appeal. But let‘s analyze the numbers to reveal just how vastly popular this ship eclipses all other options.

Kaeya/Diluc Dominates the Numbers

On the AO3 platform, the most prolific fanfiction website, statistics clearly display Kaeya/Diluc as the Cavalry Captain‘s most written ship by a massive margin:

Kaeya Ships on AO3 by Works Count:

ShipWorks Count
Kaeya & Rosaria (Platonic)210

As the above data shows, Kaeya/Diluc fanfics outnumber the second most popular ship by over 9 times!

And the numbers are similar on Twitter, where ship-related analytics database @genshinships tracks and aggregates romantic Genshin Impact pairings shared on the platform:

Top 5 Kaeya Ships on Twitter by Mentions (Feb 2023):


Diving into the data makes Kaeya/Diluc‘s top position abundantly clear across fan spaces. But rising ships like Kaeya/Albedo also deserve some attention…

Rising Ship: Kaeya and Albedo‘s Compelling Odd Couple Chemistry

While not nearly as popular as Kaeya‘s bond with Diluc, his dynamic with Albedo has captured fan interest as a non-canon pairing. The contrasts between them – mischievous fighter and reserved alchemist – provide complementary energy.

What‘s the appeal, specifically? As gamers and fans, we love seeing opposites attract. And quiet, intelligent characters being intrigued by energetic foils despite themselves is classic romance fodder.

Plus, they aesthetically strike a gorgeous balance in fan art with Albedo‘s fair elegance against Kaeya‘s roguish charm. Soft domestic and romantic moments between them tap into fans‘ sentimental sides.

Their gentle chemistry invites creativity. Though currently sitting at less than 2k romantic Twitter mentions compared to the overwhelmingly more popular Kaeya/Diluc ship, Kaeya and Albedo have potential for growth.

Other Notable Kaeya Ships on the Rise

A few other Kaeya ships are gaining some traction in online fan spaces as well:

  • Kaeya/Venti: Playful and chaotic duo – over 2k Twitter mentions
  • Kaeya/Traveler: Flirtatious dynamic – nearly 2k Twitter mentions
  • Kaeya/Thoma: Fun dynamic between gregarious bartenders

Devoted shippers continue creating content for rare-pairs as well, with fan art and fanfic for dynamics like Kaeya/Childe, Kaeya/Zhongli, Kaeya/Xiao, and more emerging. Still, these ships have yet to gain the widespread popularity of Kaeya/Albedo and have under 500 romantic Twitter mentions each.

The Takeaway: Kaeya/Diluc Reigns Supreme for Compelling Reasons

At the end of the day, Kaeya‘s most shipped dynamic remains Kaeya/Diluc by a landslide across all metrics and major online fan spaces. As both a data analyst and passionate Genshin fan myself, the immense popularity of this ship makes perfect sense.

Their beautifully angsty slow-burn enemies-to-lovers narrative, contrasting personalities, and rich backstory simply provide prime romance material. It emotionally moves fans eager to see the two reconcile their fraught past.

Of course, interest continues growing around other dynamics like the aesthetically pleasing Kaeya/Albedo. But the numbers don‘t lie – and the Kaeya/Diluc nation utterly dominates by sheer amount of devoted fans and content.

For the foreseeable future, this pairing will likely continue captivating the hearts of Genshin Impact fans through every new heart-wrenching or soft domestic piece of fan content centered on the complicated adopted brothers. Their story clearly remains far from over.

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