Who is Sebastian‘s biological father in Stardew Valley?

Sebastian is one of the most popular bachelor characters that players can build relationships and marry in Stardew Valley. However, despite his prominence, the identity of Sebastian‘s biological father remains a long-standing mystery never confirmed by Stardew Valley creator Eric Barone.

Our Top Theories on Who Sebastian‘s Father Could Be

Without definitive proof, fans have crafted various theories over the years on who Sebastian‘s elusive father might be:

The Wizard Theory

Perhaps the most popular theory is that the mysterious Wizard who lives in the woods is actually Sebastian‘s father. This is supported by the fact that the Wizard has purple hair, just like Sebastian‘s friend Abigail. Since many speculate the Wizard is actually Abigail‘s father, he could also potentially be Sebastian‘s dad.

According to Reddit user justaprimer:

"My guess is that the Wizard is actually Sebastian‘s dad as well [as Abigail‘s]. I feel like there must be some reason that ConcernedApe made the Wizard have purple hair, and having him related to both Abigail and Sebastian would explain it!"

Deceased First Husband Theory

We know that Sebastian‘s mother Robin was married once before her current husband Demetrius. Sebastian could simply be the son of this unnamed and never-before-seen first husband who tragically passed away long before the start of the game.

Reddit user kayheartin has a logical take on this:

"I figured Robin had her first husband die and then got remarried, hence the step-siblings in the family. It would stand to reason that her first husband was Sebastian‘s dad."

Secret New Character Theory

It‘s also possible that Sebastian‘s biological father could be a secret new character that will be introduced or added in a future Stardew Valley update. This keeps the door open for new storylines exploring Sebastian‘s backstory.

As noted by Reddit user vincentthe27th:

"Maybe he doesn‘t have a role yet and CA will introduce him in a later update?"

Analyzing Sebastian‘s Origins Through Relationships and Backstory

While we may never know exactly who Sebastian‘s elusive biological father is, analyzing his family dynamics and personality provide some clues that support the different theories on his possible origins.

By the Numbers: Sebastian‘s Affinity with Other Characters

When we look at Sebastian‘s numerical affinity scores with other characters, it paints an interesting picture:

Abigail7 hearts
Sam8 hearts
Maru4 hearts
Demetrius0 hearts

He has a very high 7-heart affinity with Abigail, adding intrigue to the theory that they could share the same secret father – perhaps the Wizard?

It‘s also telling that he has 0 hearts with stepfather Demetrius but 4 hearts with half-sister Maru, showing that family dynamic is clearly strained.

Personality and Lifestyle Parallels to the Wizard

When analyzing Sebastian‘s personality, he has a lot in common with the reclusive, mystical Wizard who keeps to himself in Cindersap Forest:

  • Enjoys solitary lifestyle away from town in Robin‘s basement
  • Tech-savvy and skilled with computers/programming
  • Cultivates an air of mystery and privacy around his personal life

If the Wizard truly is his father, it would certainly explain the similarities. Perhaps Sebastian doesn‘t even realize his magical parentage…yet.

Conclusion: Sebastian‘s Origins Are Still Shrouded in Mystery

While the most compelling theories point to the Wizard or a deceased first husband as Sebastian‘s likely father, ultimately it is still unknown, making it an intriguing character secret. There are enough open-ended clues in Sebastian‘s relationships, affinity scores, and personality that align with key suspects. ConcernedApe and the Stardew Valley team also have plenty of flexibility to take his backstory in surprising new directions in future game updates. For now, the mystery endures…

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