Kirby‘s Copy Ability Makes Him Vastly Superior to Link

As a devoted gaming fan who analyzes character attributes extensively, I can definitively say Kirby is significantly stronger than Link in almost every regard. Kirby‘s iconic power is his copy ability, which allows him to inhale enemies and copy their powers. This gives the cute pink ball access to a staggering variety of abilities.

Once Kirby copies an ability, he displays mastery over incredibly powerful moves like lightning manipulation, fire and ice breath, projecting sword beams from blades, and even weaving warp stars for intergalactic travel in seconds. He can use these dynamically against every new opponent he faces, making him extremely difficult to predict and counter.

Kirby Vastly Outmatches Link in Core Attributes

When looking at their basic physical capabilities side by side, Kirby dominates:

  • Strength: Kirby cracks planets when supercharged. Link relies more on skill than brute force.
  • Speed: Kirby can cross galaxies in seconds while Link travels on foot or by horse.
  • Durability: Kirby tanks planet explosions without a scratch. Link relies on agility.
  • Power: Kirby wields lightning, fire, ice, sword beams and more in copied forms. Link utilizes equipment like bombs and bows.
StrengthPlanet CrackingBuilding Level
SpeedMassively Hypersonic+Subsonic
DurabilityPlanet LevelWall Level
Destructive PowerPlanet LevelBuilding Level

As demonstrated in the table above, Kirby overwhelms Link in their core combat attributes. When you add in Kirby‘s copy ability to gain dozens of additional offensive moves and enhanced attributes, the gap only widens further.

Link‘s Arsenal Can‘t Match Kirby‘s Flexible Offense

While courageous and highly skilled, Link relies too heavily on his Master Sword, equipment like bombs and bows, and battle experience. These weapons served him well in toppling Ganon, but fail catastrophically against Kirby‘s extremely versatile power set.

Even if Link somehow managed to dent Kirby, his copy healing ability would quickly restore him. Meanwhile, Kirby can continue assaulting Link with ever-changing attacks until he lands decisive blows. Link lacks reliable options to counter Kirby‘s extreme flexibility, power and endurance.

Ultimately, Kirby‘s copy ability flexibility coupled with vastly superior strength, speed and durability provide him an overwhelming advantage against Link. While it would be a battle of legends, Link would eventually fall against the stronger warrior from Dream Land.

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