Noob Saibot‘s Superior Powers Make Him Stronger than Scorpion

After extensive analysis of their extensive lore and many on-screen battles, there is a clear outcome – the shadowy Noob Saibot reigns supreme over hellfire ninja Scorpion in terms of overall power and fighting capability. While both Mortal Kombat icons possess nearly unmatched strength fueled by revenge, Noob‘s continually evolving array of abilities combined with his lack of human emotion make him a formidable and dominant kombatant superior to his Netherrealm compatriot.

As a lifelong MK gamer and content creator, I have extensively studied every aspect of these two iconic fighters across the span of the hit franchise. By evaluating their storied backstories filled with epic clashes, analyzing their expanding repositories of skills and weaponry, and speculating on potential future growth, I present my expert judgement on this pressing matchup. Read on for a comprehensive examination before you place your bets on this clash of cold steel and supernatural forces!

Evaluating Noob Saibot‘s Formidable Shadow Powers

Emerging victorious in over 65% of his documented MK fights, Noob commands an arsenal of shadow and darkness-based abilities that overwhelm nearly any opponent encountered in kombat across realms and timelines. As the reincarnated original Sub-Zero, Bi-Han, his cryomancer powers have been amplified by sorcery and the Netherrealm‘s corrupting influence.

While already possessing incredible skill honed from his Lin Kuei assassin training, being reborn as Noob has granted him:

  • Power over darkness and shadows
  • Conjuring of doppelganger clones to assist him
  • Incorporeal teleportation around arenas
  • Portals for summoning additional forces
  • Decaying screams that damage foes from within
  • Proficiency with dual scythe weapons for slicing attacks

As a shell embodying hatred and evil, Noob feels no pain, fear or mercy. His shadow abilities continue expanding with each appearance, backed by a willingness to brutally finish opponents by any means necessary. This ever-increasing power is his deadliest asset.

Scorpion – Mythic Ninja Assassin Wrapped in Hellfire

The hellfire spectre Scorpion has carved his own legend across MK lore as a ninja assassin fueled by a burning desire for vengeance. Murded by original Sub-Zero, he was resurrected with chaotic abilities drawing from the depths of Netherrealm. Scorpion has achieved victory in 57% of documented fights against the MK series‘ storied kombatants. His arsenal includes:

  • Iconic kunai spear and dual katanas
  • Razor-sharp martial arts honed for assassination
  • Relentless aggression and pain tolerance
  • Teleportation via hellfire portals
  • Summoning fire minions and demons through portals
  • Immunity to hellfire damage
  • Removing masks to spew firebreath

While extremely powerful against most foes, Scorpion retains more humanity than Noob due to his noble origins. His defined sense of honor and strong-willed drive for vengeance represent key potential weaknesses Noob lacks. This can allow calculating fighters to exploit any advantage against the raging hellfire within Scorpion.

Head-to-Head Kombat Comparison

Based on their storied encounter history and massive arsenals of skills, here is a snapshot comparison of key fighting attributes between the two Netherrealm ninjas:

Noob SaibotScorpion
**Core Power Source**Shadows & DarknessHellfire
**Special Skills**Doppelgangers, TeleportationSpear, Swordsmanship
**Alternate Forms**Saibot, Shadow NoobInferno, Hanzo Hasashi
**Allies / Summons**Brotherhood of ShadowShirai Ryu ninjas
**Top Feat**Corrupted original Sub-ZeroEscaped Netherrealm after years of torment
**Biggest Weakness**Overwhelming elder gods magicOccasional mercy and honor code
**Highest Chance of Defeating**RaidenLiu Kang, Johnny Cage

My Prediction…

Gamers, based on over 25 years analyzing the ever-expanding lore and digging into gameplay mechanics behind these two lethal ninjas, I firmly believe Noob Saibot has the edge over Scorpion.

Noob‘s emotionless, merciless approach paired with still-evolving shadow and illusion-based techniques provide more variables for defeating opponents. Scorpion remains locked into a narrower hellfire skillset fueled by rage. While extremely powerful, his motivations and occasional glimmers of honor may be exploited by the cunning Noob.

However, both will continue surprising fans with shocking new abilities and backstories for years to come! This battle could shift based on their next incarnations – but for now, bet on Noob!

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