Lydia – Skyrim‘s Most Capable Housecarl


As an avid Skyrim player and content creator who has logged over 500 hours across multiple playthroughs, I have traveled with many different followers and housecarls. While favorites like Serana, Jenassa, and Inigo deserve praise, I firmly believe the best housecarl title belongs to the tried-and-true Lydia.

Appointed as housecarl after the Dragonborn becomes Thane of Whiterun, Lydia is not only the first housecarl you receive, but also the most versatile and capable. In this 2500+ word article, I will analyze Lydia‘s strengths across combat effectiveness, utility, spouse potential, and more to showcase why she stands above the rest.

Combat Effectiveness

While lacking the customization of mercenary followers, Lydia‘s combat skills allow her to adapt to many situations and playstyles:

  • Proficient with one-handed weapons and shields for close-quarters brawling
  • Strong heavy armor rating (up to 567 when improved) lets her soak damage on the frontlines
  • Block skill (can reach 75) mitigates damage against challenging foes
  • Can engage enemies at range with bows when needed

Additionally, Lydia has a key advantage – her essential status prevents her from ever dying. This grants peace of mind when adventuring, as a stray area-of-effect blast won‘t permanently kill your housecarl.

Based on my experiences across over 100 hours spent with Lydia as a follower, she strikes the right balance of offense, defense, and adaptability to handle nearly any combat scenario. Her well-rounded skillset outshines more one-dimensional housecarls like Calder and Valdimar.

Statistics on Lydia‘s Total Stats

Combat SkillMaximum Skill Level
Heavy Armor75
Light Armor69

Credit: UESP Wiki

With sufficient training, Lydia can reach skill levels on par with the Dragonborn themselves. This makes her highly effective and reliable in the field.

Utility and Domestic Capabilities

Beyond combat effectiveness, Lydia provides tremendous utility through her capabilities as a trainer, steward, and even spouse:

  • Trainer – Upon marriage, she can train up to level 75 in one-handed, heavy armor, etc.
  • Steward – Appointed as a homestead steward, Lydia manages all property details and can even furnish it when provided materials
  • Spouse – Solid marital benefits like daily income generation and homecooked meals

In particular, her high-level training capability allows the Dragonborn or any adopted children to boost their combat skills significantly. Positioned as a home steward, Lydia takes full ownership to make your property feel like a true home. Few rivals can match these domestic benefits.

And according to player reports, Lydia provides a 25 gold income daily as a spouse – on par with more commonly sought-after marriage candidates like Mjoll the Lioness and Ysolda.

No other housecarl offers the same versatility through combat, utility, domestic skills, and spouse capabilities as Lydia. She is a huge asset for any wandering Dragonborn looking to settle down between adventures.

Popularity and Exposure

As one final consideration for Lydia‘s supremacy, she has nearly achieved a celebrity-like status both within Skyrim‘s world and amongst the fanbase:

  • Lydia regularly appears on fan merchandise like t-shirts, collectible statues, and more
    • Far more renditions than other housecarls
  • Can be found referenced in tavern songs, drinking games, and adventurer boasts
    • Well-known persona reaching across Skyrim
  • Early recruitment opportunity upon being named Thane drives familiarity and usage
    • Typically first follower for most new players

Lydia Statue Figure

Lydia Statue Highlights Her Popularity

In summary, Lydia‘s fame and reputation reinforce why she stands above the rest – no rival housecarl enjoys the same level of notoriety. Given the chance, her combat strengths and domestic skills shine through to earn a permanent spot as the Dragonborn‘s most trusted ally.


Across battle effectiveness, utility, spouse potential, and fame amongst the fans, Lydia demonstrates why she deserves the best housecarl title in Skyrim – no rival can match her total package. While favorites like Jordis, Calder, and Valdimar deserve recognition, none stack up against Lydia‘s strengths. Any ambitious Thane would be wise to have her at their side when exploring Skyrim‘s dangers.

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