Exploring Notable Characters in Destiny 2 Lore

As a passionate gaming guide writer and Destiny expert, few topics inspire more discussion among fans than the power and capabilities of prominent characters. Destiny‘s rich lore provides plenty of feats to analyze for guardians and enemies alike. However, definitive judgments around the "strongest" character prove slippery – I‘d instead like to guide readers through major players in Destiny‘s living world.

Our Legendary Guardian

As the protagonist of Destiny, our Guardian‘s actions form the lynchpin of major events. Across multiple campaigns, we‘ve confronted god-like entities, slain hordes of deadly foes, and overcome seeming impossible odds. Key accomplishments include:

  • Defeating Atheon, Time‘s Conflux to save Kabr‘s fireteam and alter the Vex‘s plans
  • Banishing Crota, Son of Oryx to avenge Eris and her ill-fated raid party, striking a blow against the Hive
  • Capturing Skolas, Kell of Kells to prevent House Wolves from destabilizing the Reef
  • Securing the Last City and defeating Dominus Ghaul, thwarting the Red Legion‘s occupation
  • slaying Nokris, Herald of Xol – stopping the Worm God from fully manifesting
  • Defeating Riven of A Thousand Voices, architect of the Dreaming City curse
  • Toppling Rhulk, Disciple of the Witness – eliminating a key lieutenant to the Darkness

By any measure, our Guardian boasts unmatched credentials vanquishing nightmares across the system. As the Young Wolf or Hero of the Red War, few can match our pedigree. Of course, lingering threats like Calus, Xivu Arath and others ensure new legends await.

Comparing Other Key Players

While our Guardian stands tall among Destiny characters, many allies and enemies also boast astonishing capabilities. I‘ll spotlight several below based on in-game lore sources, not personal power scales.


This legendary Titan‘s deeds inspired Guardians for generations, marked by:

  • Nigh-invulnerability from masterful Void Light manipulation
  • Fists that "can crack planets"
  • Defeating Solkis, Devil Kell plus demons, cyclops, and gorgons
  • Slaying an Ahamkara, wish-granting dragon-like entities
  • Establishing the Perfect Paradox by receiving his weapon from the future

Saint-14 stands blessed by the Speaker as the Titan Vanguard and protector of the City for his valor.


This mythic Warlock crippled the Vex over centuries by:

  • Wielding Dawnblade swords with unmatched mastery
  • Deploying advanced Reflections to study countless timelines
  • Navigating the Infinite Forest and its myriad simulations
  • Founding the Trials of Osiris to test Guardians in combat
  • Returning from exile to aid Sagira and awaken Rasputin on Mars

While controversial, Osiris‘s prowess reshaped Warlock philosophy – all strive to follow his example.

I could continue with figures like Lord Saladin, Lord Shaxx, Lady Efrideet or others…but the above demonstrates how Destiny offers multifaceted heroes defined by strange powers and epic accomplishments.

Evaluating "Strength" in Destiny

Instead of claiming any one "strongest" character, I believe rich debate exists around evaluating "strength" given Destiny‘s fantastical abilities. Some frameworks include:

  • Combat Feats: By defeated foes and campaigns ended
  • Mastery of Light/Dark: Control and shaping of ontological forces
  • Narrative Importance: Impact on Destiny‘s lore and events
  • Inspirational Legacy: Legends that awaken heroism in others

By the first measure, our Guardian seemingly leads based on threats overcome. However, Saint-14 channels the Void Light to near invincibility, whereas Osiris canrend time with Reflections. And while Lord Shaxx securing the Twilight Gap proved pivotal, Eris Morn‘s warnings about Hive gods affected many stories.

There may be no definitive way to rank these heroes and villains, but comparing their wild capabilities sure makes for fun debates!

The Power of Bonds Over Strength

Rather than fixating on "the strongest," I prefer closing by noting how connections between characters drive Destiny more than any individual Guardian, however mighty. Saint-14‘s bonds to his followers make him legendary. Our alliances with Caiatl or Mithrax advanced the story. And the love between Sjur Eido and Mara Sov shaped awoken history.

So while we each have our favorite hero, I encourage appreciating the ties that give Destiny‘s world depth, making it resonates across media. Those connections cultivate the light that shall prevail.

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