Who Does Yae Miko Have a Crush On? Exploring the Top Theories

While a popular fan theory romantically ships her with Raiden Ei, there still lacks definitive proof within Genshin lore on Yae Miko having an explicit crush or romantic feelings for another character. With over 500 years of history and an enigmatic personality, determining the kitsune‘s relationships or priorities can be challenging.

As an influential figure overseeing both the Grand Narukami Shrine and her own publishing house in Inazuma, Yae Miko keeps her cards close to her chest. Her playful demeanor coupled with wit and wisdom makes her smiles difficult to read into. Still, fans delight in analyzing each hint and subtle interaction for deeper connections, especially with Raiden Ei.

The Case for a Crush on Raiden Ei

Of the many fan ships for Yae Miko, the theory that she harbors romantic feelings for her longtime friend Raiden Ei holds the most traction for a majority of fans and analysts. As two powerful figures with great history and opposite balancing personalities, their unique understanding provides compelling evidence even if no explicit confirmation exists yet within canon.

I explore below the key basis behind the popularity of this theory and why so many within the Genshin fandom connect deeply with the depiction of Yae Miko and Raiden Ei‘s relationship as intimate.

A Friendship Over 500 Years

While most friendships fade within decades, Yae Miko has stood loyally by the Raiden Shogun’s side for over 500 years from the cataclysm to the present day. She offers wisdom, companionship, and even constructive criticism across the eras.

This immense sweep of time together points to an incredibly profound connection and knowing of one another‘s truest self. Rarely does another character treat Raiden Ei with the degree of casual closeness and lack of reservation as her dear friend Yae Miko for centuries.

The fact she still calls Raiden ‘Ei‘ rather than her Archon title points to Yae never seeing her friend first and foremost as the imposing Shogun deity but rather the immortal, ambitious and sometimes lonely girl hidden underneath behind arbitrary status.

Conflict that Forges Bonds

Across the centuries, records also suggest that Yae Miko was perhaps the only figure who pushed back on questionable decisions by the Raiden Shogun, even at risk of punishment. Rather than flee during the notorious Sakoku Decree era like so many, Yae stayed and once again proved unafraid to challenge Ei‘s reasoning while empathizing with her pain.

As many strong friendships reveal, hardship and conflict tend to forge the deepest loyalty between true kindred spirits. Having walked through fire and lightning together, I believe Yae Miko and Raiden Ei‘s shared history makes their current bond nigh unbreakable.

Balance of Perspectives

As women of very different temperaments and roles, many highlight how Yae Miko‘s playfulness offsets Raiden Ei‘s sternness beautifully. The carefree kitsune opens up new experiences for the focused workaholic Archon to enjoy amidst pressure. In exchange, Raiden grounds her friend while appreciating capabilities she lacks in strategic planning or negotiation.

Like philosophy itself, the duo‘s contrasting outlooks on life make them interdependent and stronger together than apart. Each sees the world through a lens the other misses, with empathy binding their diverse strengths. Some fans argue few understand or even patiently tolerate the enigmatic Archon’s eccentricities like Yae Miko has for centuries without fail.

Flirtatious Fun

While far from conclusive proof, various recorded encounters suggest Yae Miko very much enjoys teasing or flirtatiously engaging Raiden Ei to bring out reactions from her normally stoic friend. Fans highlight playful lines like "If you wish to hear more, you must become more intimately acquainted with me" as the kitsune‘s characteristic foxy mischief toward the object of her focus.

And based on Raiden‘s flustered reactions, even she does not know whether her dear friend jokes or not at times! Ultimately these coquettish exchanges reveal the sheer depth of comfort and unique chemistry they share.

Alternative Crush Theories

Despite the passion behind Raiden x Yae visions however, alternate theories do exist around other potential crushes for our favorite Guuji or even a lack of romantic motivation altogether.

Below I analyze some of the other discourse around her relationship rumors.

Kamisato Ayato

A popular alternate ship presents Kamisato Ayato as a potential crush interest, due to voiceline hints of Yae’s fascination with how little she understands Inazuma’s esteemed commissioner. Fans argue her fixation implies deeper interest.

However, closer analysis implies Yae simply finds not knowing every detail about such an influential figure in the region’s politics annoying rather than seeing Ayato as a romantic figure. Their limited interactions fail to showcase any notable rapport or intimacy compared to her documented centuries of friendship with Raiden Ei.

As the newer ‘shiny object’ in Inazuma’s lore though, fans seem eager to explore possibilities, especially given Ayato’s secretive mystique. Butfar more evidence points to Ayato having greater connection with characters like Sayu based on their canon exchanges.

Traveler Aether

As the protagonist stand-in for players, the fanbase loves shipping different characters with Aether, the male Traveler. His occasional flirtatious exchanges with Yae Miko during archon quests fuels speculation by some fans.

However, when looking closely at the context, Aether appears the far more interested party compared to Yae Miko‘s amused but noncommittal responses. She instead playfully pokes at his obvious attraction for reactions, staying highly self-possessed throughout and never reciprocating overtly.

Their uneven chemistry and lack of extensive meaningful interaction outside these brief story quest scenes makes Aether feel more like a fleeting fascination for the ever-watchful kitsune instead of evoking true affection.

No Romantic Focus

Finally, perhaps the simplest explanation lacks any fanciful ships at all – with Yae Miko‘s age, intellect and hustle across managing shrine affairs and a publishing house, romantic pursuits may rank low on her long list of priorities.

Some fans argue that as a near demi-god kitsune who has lived through and lost much over the centuries, Yae Miko logically focuses her efforts on more eternal passions related to preserving cultural knowledge and supporting her Archon‘s vision versus chasing ephemeral mortal relationships.

I posit a lack of any unambiguous romantic admissions or behavior itself after 500+ years speaks volumes about where the proactive Guuji ranks courting on her agenda. Beyond playful flirting, no canon evidence suggests meaningful romantic love occupies more than a passing fancy for Yae Miko currently.

Her undisclosed affections may be partly why so many leap to fill that narrative gap through creative shipping logical leaps. But with an existence spanning eras, her enigmatic smiles hide how much emphasis our lady kitsune even places on romance’s fleeting thrills versus grander motivations.


In the end, Genshin Impact leaves fans without definitive answer on potential romantic love for such an influential and cunning character like Yae Miko — perhaps deliberately, to encourage more debate and interest!

Based on my analysis of the lore and perspectives above, I believe Yae Miko and Raiden Ei share the deepest bond of all potential contenders, with their 500+ years of tightly interwoven history and understanding surpassing any fleeting infatuations.

However, only time will tell whether Mihoyo ever elevates the two from profoundly close comrades into canon love interests.

While much speculation runs rampant though, I argue we have witnessed a genuinely moving portrait of an truly unconditional, time-tested friendship between two complex women that uplifts Genshin Impact’s storytelling to inspiring new heights. And that alone offers an poignant, rewarding connection worth celebrating too amidst life’s unpredictability.

What do you think? Does Raiden Ei hold a special place in Yae Miko‘s heart? Or will future story chapters unveil more unexpected romantic possibilities for our sly Guuji that redirect fans to new ships to board? Let‘s discuss our favorite theories and analysis!

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