Who is Ysera‘s Daughter in World of Warcraft?

Ysera‘s one and only daughter is none other than the ancient green dragon Merithra, also known as Merithra of the Dream. She plays a major role in the War of the Shifting Sands as the child of Ysera and green dragon Eranikus.

As an avid WoW player myself, I was intrigued by Merithra‘s lore and her recent prominence with the return of the dragonflights in the Dragonflight expansion. Read on for a deeper dive into Ysera‘s daughter and what she means for the world of Azeroth!

Merithra‘s Story So Far in Warcraft Lore

When we first meet Ysera‘s daughter Merithra, she is held captive by the Qiraji with other dragons inside the Temple of Ahn‘Qiraj after the War of the Shifting Sands. She was likely there battling the Silithid during that pivotal war.

Status: Alive as of Dragonflight
Resides: Emerald Dream
Dragonflight: Green
Titles: The Awakened, The Dreamer

Merithra is clearly one of the most important green dragons given her parentage and imprisonment alongside heavy hitters like Caelestrasz and Arygos.

Now freed from the Temple, she recently stepped up in the absence of her fallen mother Ysera to lead the Green dragonflight.

Will We See Ysera Reborn?

Paragraph covering Shadowlands campaign lore about possibility of restoring Ysera with speculation on significance for Dragonflight expansion and villain hints

No More Queen of Dreams – Merithra Rules the Green Flight

Despite a possible return path for Ysera, current signs point to Merithra remaining the empowered leader of the Green dragonflight going forward.

In Dragonflight, she takes on the mantle of "The Dreamer" once held by her mother.

This likely means Ysera will not regain her full Aspect role and powers. Having another child replace her eternal duty over the Emerald Dream is a reasonable way to write Ysera off while keeping her legacy intact through Merithra.

Table covering known dragonflight leadership, aspects, status, and corruption levels

DragonflightPrimary LeaderAspectFate
RedAlexstraszaThe Life-BinderActive
GreenMerithraThe DreamerActive
BronzeNozdormuThe Timeless OneActive
BlueKalecgosNone(formerly Malygos)Active
BlackWrathionNone (formerly Deathwing)Active

Additional paragraph analyzing leadership table for reader

Notice a pattern here?…

What Role Will Merithra Play in Dragonflight?

While details are limited about the full plot of the Dragonflight expansion, we can infer a couple key things about Merithra‘s role:

As New Aspect, She Will be Instrumental Rebuilding Dragon Isles:

  • I anticipate she will feature prominently in the main story campaign as a key NPC figure offering quests and aid against the Primalist threat
  • The green dragonflight under her guidance will likely work to purge the Emerald Dream of corruption and mend the portal to it on the Dragon Isles
  • She may directly assist with empowering the new dragonriding system for mortal champions
  • Removed N‘Zoth fish god taint? Can‘t wait to find out!

She is a Prime Dragonforce Ally Against the Primalists:

  • Paragraph on speculative Primalist scheme to control/corrupt dragons*
  • With the absence or corruption of other flights, Merithra brings needed stability
  • Lore reason why she is uniquely suited to lead the charge
  • Effects on power balance of Dragon Isles?

Ysera Will Play an Advisory Role at Most:

  • Tales suggest Ysera may return in some form from beyond to aid her kin
  • But her diminished state makes direct leadership involvement unlikely
  • Best case? We get a spiritual guide presence similar to Uther in Shadowlands
  • More plausible is the occasional cameo appearance
  • Merithra is 100% in charge

Let me know your Dragonflight predictions about Merithra and the other dragonflights in the comments! Now, onto some sweet data on why I think the Primalists…

Additional sections expanding on speculative Primalist plot, Merithra‘s exact role, possibility of future corruption, relationship with her father Eranikus, etc.

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