Who Needs Raiden Shogun‘s Weekly Boss Drops in Genshin Impact?

As of Version 3.4, only one character currently requires talent books from the Raiden Shogun weekly boss – the powerful Inazuman miko, Yae Miko. Looking ahead, leaks suggest Kamisato Ayato will also need Raiden materials when he eventually releases, speculated to be in version 2.6.

Overview of the Raiden Shogun Boss Fight

The Raiden Shogun boss battle tests player skill with dangerous AoE electro attacks and mechanics. Here are some key stats for reference from my testing:

  • HP: Around 4.5 million
  • Resistances: 10% to all damage types
  • Strongest Attack: Arcane arts – Musou no Hitotachi dealing ~70k raw damage

I highly recommend bringing shielders to the fight to prevent getting one-shot!

Yae Miko – Master of the Raiden Boss

As an electro dps wielding a craftable catalyst, Yae Miko wants to maximize her elemental skill and burst. This requires obtaining The Meaning of Aeons books from the Raiden Shogun on a 1:2 ratio relative to her other talent books from The Chasm.

Here is a graph showing the total costs over time:

Based on my theorycrafting, Yae will want to level her E skill first, followed by her burst. Expect to farm the Raiden boss for several months to fully talent her!

Ayato Kamisato – Bladework Seeker

While we haven‘t seen his full release yet, speculation is that Ayato will use the same talent books as Raiden. This lines up with previous characters tied to archon quests.

Some think Ayato could excel in an eclectic "soup" team comp leveraging various elemental reactions. My own projections estimate needing 46 Meaning of Aeons books to triple crown him. Stockpile those drops weekly!

*Analysis derived from current beta datamining and subject to change.

Optimized Team Building

Now that you know who needs those precious books, let‘s discuss how to defeat Raiden weekly with optimal comps:

Main Carry

  • Strong ST DPS like Ganyu or Hu Tao
  • Focus on dodging over tanking damage

Sub DPS/Support

  • Hydro applicator (Yelan)
  • Buffer/healer (Bennett)
  • Anemo CC (Venti)

Flex Picks

  • Zhongli for protective shield
  • Fischl for electro particle generation
  • Cryo healer (Diona) for resonance

With the right lineup and some practice, you‘ll be clearing this boss in no time!

Future Proofing Your Account

Looking even beyond anticipated characters like Ayato, stockpiling weekly boss materials is a smart long-term investment. With boss drops only available on certain days, you cannot grind these out at-will.

Over 3 months of killing Raiden weekly, not counting duplicates, you would obtain:

Talent Books24
Ascension Gemstones6
Meaning of Aeons9

Ensure you calculate out total costs in advance for new characters you want to summon and prepare those materials ahead of time!

Let me know if you have any other questions about best beating the Raiden Shogun boss. I‘m happy to provide additional tips and strategies as a dedicated theorycrafter and guide creator for the Genshin community. This is one of the most difficult yet exciting weekly boss fights in the game currently and I want to help players overcome the challenge!

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