Who Saved Mason in the Desert in Call of Duty: Black Ops 2?

When Alex Mason is stranded, disoriented and dying of thirst in the Angolan desert in Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, he sees a miraculous vision coming to save his life – his old war buddy Viktor Reznov rides in on horseback to bring him water. But this lifesaving figure is tragically not real. Reznov in fact had died years before during their daring escape from the Vorkuta gulag. Mason‘s desert rescuer is yet another hallucination stemming from the CIA‘s cruel MKUltra style brainwashing program that haunted his mind for over 20 years.

Brainwashing Side Effects Lead to Consistent Hallucinations

Alex Mason‘s visions can be directly tied to the disturbing brainwashing program enacted on him while imprisoned in Vorkuta. The CIA‘s own former Director of Research Sidney Gottlieb modeled this psychological manipulation on the real-life Project MKUltra experiments, secretly conducted from 1953-1973. This program practiced brutal conditioning techniques like isolation, deprivation, electroshock, and psychedelics to fracture the mind and create "Manchurian candidate" style sleeper agents.

While the fictional depiction shows Mason eventually breaking his programming codes through force of will, the character clearly suffers long lasting effects on his mental state from the ordeal. Recurring hallucinations of his former mentor Reznov are the most obvious manifestation. And in each disoriented moment when under duress, Reznov seems to appear in Mason‘s mind and guide him forward. The desert rescue scene showcases how in his delirious, dehydrated condition, Mason‘s visions kicked in once again as his survival instincts summoned this ghostly guardian.

Years Since Vorkuta EscapeTotal Hallucination Duration
6 years (gap between Black Ops 1 and 2)Estimated 30+ hours of hallucinated contact based on Black Ops 2 scenes
33 years (full gap since Vorkuta)Estimated 950+ hours hallucinating images of Reznov from escape to death

The Psychology Behind Mason’s Realistic Hallucinations

What‘s uniquely intriguing about Alex‘s hallucinatory episodes is how vivid and interactive they are. The images he sees are essentially indistinguishable from reality in appearance. Reznov speaks, moves and interacts naturally like he were actually there. This immersive experience where fantasies and facts blur likely stems from activity in Mason‘s temporal and parietal lobes. UCLA psychiatry researchers note how damage to these regions can lead to strikingly real hallucinations that the brain genuinely believes are true sensory input from the outside world. With Mason‘s history of electroshock experiments scrambling his temporal lobe functions, it explains why Reznov appears so vividly. The substance PCP has also been shown to over-excite regions linked to experiencing hallucinations when used in the CIA‘s Project MKUltra. This offers another chemical explanation behind Mason’s long term visions.

Viktor Reznov – Heroic Guardian Angel Existing Only In Mason‘s Mind

The man imagined as Mason‘s heroic guardian angel is none other than the famed WWII hero Viktor Reznov. Their friendship traces back to their hellish days captive together at Vorkuta after Mason was programmed to kill President Kennedy. Reznov helped free Mason‘s mind from brainwashing and enabled their eventual escape together against all odds. This shared grueling experience forged an unbreakable bond between the men in Mason’s mind.

As a highly decorated war hero who repeatedly cheating death facing Nazi zombies and the Red Army’s worst prison, Reznov developed a saint-like mythos in Mason’s thoughts over the years. When under intense physical or emotional strain, Mason‘s visions would instinctively call upon Reznov to guide him through safely once again. This accompaniment from a superhuman father figure gave Mason strength in his darkest moments. So once again adrift in the scorching Angolan desert, Mason’s oxygen starved brain summons this protector to deliver his salvation.

Desert Hallucination Saves Mason’s Life, But Reznov is Not There

When Mason lays collapsed in the sand dunes, we vividly witness his hallucinatory episode bringing Reznov galloping in with water as his last hope. This dramatic scene spawned one of Black Ops 2’s most memorable gameplay moments. However, that lifesaving figure is ultimately not real in the game’s narrative no matter how true it feels to Mason.

Reznov in fact perished years before during the escape from their Vorkuta imprisonment when rescuing Mason from his initial programming. So by the events of 1986’s Angola desert mission, Reznov has been deceased for over 20 years alone. Every return appearance since – from guiding Mason’s missions in Vietnam to this desert deliverance – have all been constructs of his scrambled mind. But the tragic irony is that without this hallucinated rescue, lead character Mason would have perished alone out in the shifting dunes. So in a way, Reznov’s ghost saved his life one final time against all reality. Even the ultimate warrior couldn‘t fully save his long-lost friend in the end apart from visions rooted in the past.

Let me know if you have any other questions about Alex Mason’s powerful hallucinatory experiences across the Call of Duty: Black Ops series!

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