Who to Give the Platinum Chip to in Fallout: New Vegas

Give the Chip to Yes Man for the Best Ending

After extensive analysis and weighing all outcomes, the best recommendation is to give the Platinum Chip to Yes Man. By supporting Yes Man‘s faction, you pave the way for an independent New Vegas that escapes control by the warring powers in the region.

Neither Caesar‘s brutal Legion nor the NCR‘s corrupt bureaucracy have New Vegas‘ best interests in mind. Mr. House is a strong leader, but his autocratic rule risks the city‘s prosperity. Yes Man‘s wildcard faction allows you to eliminate other rivals vying for Hoover Dam and consolidate your own power base – the best hope for stability in New Vegas.

Here is an in-depth look at what happens when you give the Chip to each faction and why Yes Man is the best choice:

Mr. House

  • Quest Outcome: You can complete Mr. House‘s questline and continue to support his control over New Vegas. With the Chip, House upgrades his Securitron army.
  • Endgame Result: House assumes totalitarian control of the Strip and locks down Vegas from external threats. The upgraded Securitrons make his leadership uncontestable.
  • Ideological Stance: Mr. House is an autocrat who believes only he can lead New Vegas to prosperity. He allows casino capitalism to thrive but eliminates dissent.
  • Leadership Quality: Though a strong leader, Mr. House may repeat historical totalitarian blunders by denying basic freedoms. His reliance on Securitrons could lead to uprisings.
E Tick if Recommended  

Caesar‘s Legion

  • Quest Outcome: Caesar confiscates the Chip but you can still work with his faction even after losing it. He uses the Chip‘s secrets for his own ends.
  • Endgame Result: Caesar exerts violent, despotic control over New Vegas and the Mojave after his Legion defeats the NCR at Hoover Dam. He embarks on a campaign of complete regional conquest.
  • Ideological Stance: Caesar models his rulership on ancient Rome – mirrored in the Legion‘s brutal martial values and totalitarian control of conquered lands.
  • Leadership Quality: Though an organized military leader, Caesar is a ruthless dictator who suppresses all opposition to his regime. His antiquated views do not align with New Vegas‘ interests.
C Tick if Recommended

Yes Man

  • Quest Outcome: When you give Yes Man the Chip, he upgrades the Securitrons under your command. This allows you to consolidate forces against rival factions.
  • Endgame Result: You control a strong independent New Vegas without meddling by the NCR, Legion, or Mr. House. The upgraded Securitron army ensures your leadership goes unchallenged.
  • Ideological Stance: Yes Man has no personal ideology except to help you. His fluid loyalties let you shape your own vision for New Vegas.
  • Leadership Quality: By supporting Yes Man, you have the chance to forge your own destiny for New Vegas based on decisions throughout the game. This flexibility makes you a potentially benevolent dictator.
R Tick if Recommended  


  • Quest Outcome: The New California Republic does not make use of Platinum Chip technology itself but they will oppose Mr. House if he upgrades his Securitrons using its secrets.
  • Endgame Result: The NCR assumes control of Hoover Dam and establishes military control over the Mojave and greater New Vegas area as part of their republic.
  • Ideological Stance: The NCR brings the rule of law and its democratic values to the region but also taxation, regulation, and political corruption that limit full independence.
  • Leadership Quality: President Kimball and the NCR leadership are out-of-touch expansionists, but their stable governance trumps the violence of Caesar‘s Legion. Nevertheless, their meddling bureaucracy stifles the entrepreneurial independence of New Vegas.
N Tick if Recommended

Statistical Comparison of Faction Control in New Vegas

Based on analysis of historical precedents, ideological outlooks, expected stability, and leadership quality, here is a statistical comparison of how each faction‘s control shakes out for New Vegas itself:

FactionSecurityEconomic ProsperitySocial FreedomsSovereignty
Mr. HouseHighHighLowModerate
Caesar‘s LegionHighLowVery LowHigh
Yes ManHighHighHighVery High
The NCRModerateModerateModerateLow

While Mr. House provides security and business growth, his autocratic leadership threatens liberty in the long-run. Similarly, Caesar‘s Legion brings order at the steep cost of mass enslavement and conformity.

Supporting Yes Man is thus the best bet for maintaining security and economic potential while maximizing social freedom and independence for New Vegas.

Where Should You Go from Here?

I recommend proceeding through initial faction quests normally while secretly supporting Yes Man. Continue acquiring the Chip and allying with Yes Man in the background. Help factions like the Brotherhood of Steel or the Boomers establish stability, while building your power base with Yes Man‘s Securitrons and readying for the battle at Hoover Dam.

As Caesar, House and the NCR weaken each other struggling over the Dam, eliminate rival faction leaders and commanders to give Yes Man an edge. Then use your upgraded Securitron army and consolidated forces to seize the Dam yourself! This paves the way for New Vegas as an independent power based on your actions reshaping the region.

So in the quest for Hoover Dam and New Vegas itself – bet on Yes Man. Ally with his emergent AI faction to unlock New Vegas‘ maximum potential. Follow this route for the best ending to realize a Bright, Independent Future for Vegas under your own enlightened leadership!

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