Why You Can‘t Play Minecraft Dungeons With Friends (And How to Fix It)

As an avid Minecraft Dungeons player and co-op enthusiast, few things are more frustrating than gathering your friends online, only to find the game won‘t let you adventure together.

Believe me, I‘ve cursed at my screen before over failing to connect sessions. But with some patient troubleshooting, you can get your dungeon crawl up and running.

Over 15 million copies sold, Minecraft Dungeons has introduced the franchise to a whole new wave of cooperative fans. When the servers are humming and connections flow smoothly, exploring the depths with companions is an utter joy.

But technical quirks can rise up like so many hostile mobs to bar your way.

After plenty of multiplayer nightmares myself, I‘m here to equip you to take down those connectivity demons and break through to seamless co-op with friends!

Why You Can‘t Join Up in Multiplayer

Before solving connectivity problems, it helps to understand exactly why they happen in the first place:

  • Version Mismatches – All players need the latest update (1.8+) with crossplay enabled to join cross-platform sessions.
  • Platform Restrictions – Age limits, family settings and subscriptions can all affect access.
  • Network Limitations – Firewalls, NAT issues, lag and much more can block connections.
  • Peak Congestion Times – When traffic is high, servers get overwhelmed and multiplayer falters.
  • Bugs and Glitches – Imperfect coding can unintentionally hamper online play.

While joining up should theoretically be simple, many key factors have to align perfectly across consoles and computers for success. When any one element fails, the dominoes fall and folks get locked out.

Below I‘ll break down the most common issues restricting access and how to address them.

Version and Crossplay Mismatches

In order for a multiplayer session to function, all participating platforms must share the same underlying version and codebase. As updates roll out, differences emerge that prevent backward compatibility.

Here‘s a quick example of crossplay failing due to version discrepancies after an update:

  • Raj logs on playing the Windows 10 edition on v1.8.1.0
  • Gita signs in via Nintendo Switch still running v1.7.3.0
  • When initiating a friend session, Raj sees Gita pop up in the roster, but gets error messages trying to connect

See the mismatch? Gita‘s Switch hasn‘t updated to the same major version number (1.8) as Raj‘s PC client. While rare, even incremental discrepancies like 1.8.1 vs 1.8.0 can hamper connections.

To avoid this, make sure all players confirm they are running the latest Minecraft Dungeons update. Cross-referencing version numbers in the main menu is one easy way to verify consistency across the party.

Platform Subscription and Settings Clashes

Unlike the main Minecraft game, Dungeons employs a multiplayer structure more akin to Destiny, Elder Scrolls Online or World of Warcraft. Players adventure together in consistent online realms.

As a result, platform holders like Microsoft and Nintendo impose certain connectivity requirements:

  • PlayStation Plus subscription on PS4/PS5
  • Nintendo Switch Online membership on Switch
  • Xbox Live Gold or Game Pass Ultimate for Xbox consoles

In addition, if you‘re playing on a child or teen account, family restrictions may override multiplayer permissions.

Here‘s a quick checklist to make sure critical account settings aren‘t interfering:

  • Multiplayer permissions are enabled
  • Privacy settings allow online play
  • External communication isn‘t restricted
  • Age meets minimum requirements
  • Valid recurring subscription is active
  • Signed in with consistent user profile

Run through each point to ensure your platform environment aligns properly for cooperative play in Minecraft Dungeons.

Networking and Connectivity Roadblocks

Perhaps the most complex arena hampering smooth connections is internet connectivity and data flow between devices/servers.

Issues like NAT conflicts, throttled routers, firewalls, interference from other software can all introduce obstacles:

  • NAT Strictness – If NAT shows as strict or moderate, packet transmission is limited
  • Bandwidth Caps – When ISPs throttle speed after reaching monthly limits
  • Port Blocking – Critical data flows may be blocked by other programs
  • Wireless Interference – Nearby networks and devices clutter signal channels

I could write an entire thesis around networking and connectivity chromosomes, but for simplicity‘s sake, here are a few easy fixes:

  • Reboot routers and modems
  • Enable UPnP settings to open NAT
  • Port forward Minecraft Dungeons (TCP & UDP on ports 25565, 19132-19133)
  • Troubleshoot or uninstall other network manipulation programs if connections persistently drop
  • Use wired connections instead of WiFi to eliminate interference

While complex, most home network issues can be resolved with a mix of patience, research and selective tweaking.

Surge Traffic and Server Strains

Even with settings configured perfectly, intense traffic bursts can still overload backend servers. Minecraft Dungeons averages over 100,000 concurrent players a month. And peak times see magnitudes more fans flooding in for adventures.

Server capacity isn‘t infinite. Too many connection requests at once oversaturate available resources. Symptoms can include:

  • Sluggish performance
  • Long matchmaking queues
  • Timeouts and latency spikes
  • Difficulty communicating across sessions
  • Random disconnects and failures to link up

Think of it like trying to cram onto an overcrowded subway train. No room for another body!

When experiencing server troubles, check the @Dungeons or @MojangStatus Twitter feeds for notifications around any active issues. If they confirm overload problems, just wait out peak hours for congestion to ease up.

Bugs, Glitches and Gremlins

Even with robust functionality for joining up across platforms, hiccups still inevitably occur. Game code always contains vulnerabilities where unintended behavior allows bugs to spawn.

And when they bite, it disables integral connection pathways like invites and matchmaking queues.

For example, v1.8.2.0 introduced a nasty bug where Xbox players got stuck on infinite load screens when joining sessions in progress. The only solution was to back out and wait for a fresh run.

Thankfully the bulk of severe, gameplay-blocking glitches get patched relatively quickly. But they can be enormously frustrative in the moment.

When suspecting a nasty bug rearing its head, check the official Minecraft Dungeons help forum or @Dungeons for recent patches and developer notes.

You can also submit tickets to Mojang studios reporting any novel or progression-blocking issues interfering with play. Community feedback helps identify and eliminate gremlins much faster!

How to Troubleshoot and Fix Connection Problems

If you‘ve run through the above issues without luck getting online with friends, don‘t abandon hope!

Try working through this comprehensive connectivity troubleshooting checklist:

Troubleshooting ItemsResources
Verify Minecraft Dungeons is fully updated to latest versionCheck main menu or support site for current patch
Confirm all players have required subscriptions/services activePlayStation Plus, Xbox Live, Nintendo Online
Check account privacy settings don‘t block multiplayer or communicationsAdjust via Family Settings or Privacy pages
Disable security programs that could conflict with sessionsAnti-virus, VPNs, firewalls may require temporary changes
Run connection tests in-game and record NAT strictness resultsFind under Settings -> Game to test MP connectivity
Forward TCP/UDP ports 25565 19132-19133 if NAT strict or moderateRouter brand guides can be found online
Power cycle networking equipment (router, modem, access points)Unplug and reconnect gear after 60 seconds
Use wired connections over WiFi when availableEliminates wireless interference
Test party chat functions to confirm comms work outside Minecraft DungeonsIsolates whether issue lies in-game or at network level
Check @MojangStatus and @Dungeons for server incidentsProvides live service status
Review Minecraft Dungeons Help Forum for related issuesHelp portal has bug reports and tech forum
Submit support ticket to Mojang Studios if problems persistOpens case for investigation by tech team

I suggest methodically moving down this list, testing connectivity after each troubleshooting step. Document any incremental changes or error shifts.

Even tedious, this checklist helps isolate the true barrier blocking multiplayer fun. And once uncovered, gets you trucking with companions quicker!

The Joy of Co-op Once Connected

Look, I get the frustration over failed attempts linking up with friends. I nearly threw my controller through drywall after the 50th "game session no longer available" error.

But once you narrow down the culprit crashing connections, bounding through atmospheric dungeons smiting monsters together offers some of Minecraft Dungeons‘ most gratifying moments.

Celebrating victory over a brutal boss that had been owning your solo play. Comiserating and laughing as your whole squad perishes to an Exploding Llama surprise attack. Or simply appreciating gorgeous backdrops while plowing through hordes, co-op transforms the experience.

So stick with the troubleshooting! Be patient searching forums when a glitch strikes. Have each player systemically test their environment piece by piece to pinpoint problems.

With concerted effort, the multiplayer gates will open to a stellar adventure otherwise missing out on much of the magic.

Now quit spending any more time staring at error screens when adventure awaits in the depths below. Gear up, plugins in hand and gather your fellowship. I‘ll see you in the crypts!

Want more pro tips and guides for excelling at Minecraft Dungeons co-op play? Follow me here or on Twitter @BlockchainBard!

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