Why does 067 have a scar?

As any fan of the record-breaking Netflix series knows, Kang Sae-byeok (player 067) meets a tragic end in Squid Game‘s penultimate episode after sustaining a horrific neck injury. This brutal attack leaves the heroic player fighting for survival with a gruesome scar that underscores her strength and tenacity.

Backstory on 067

Going into the games, we know 067 is desperate to win the ₩45.6 billion prize in order to reunite with her younger brother. The show reveals through flashbacks how she became ensnared in a North Korean human trafficking ring, eventually defecting to the South after losing contact with her family. Her brother remains stuck in an orphanage while she struggles to earn money through shifty jobs.

These experiences harden Sae-byeok into a scrappy, resourceful fighter. Among the players, she stands out for her calm confidence and principled loyalty towards allies. As the games ramp up, her skills make her a clear frontrunner to survive.

The Vicious Attack That Scarred Her

After losing his marbles to Sae-byeok and facing ruin, Sang-woo‘s desperation boils over. Just before the 6th game begins, he abruptly stabs Sae-byeok in a frenzied assault, slashing her neck open with his shard of glass from the previous game.

This attack serves as a gut punch that shocks viewers to the core. We realize no player is safe in this chaotic contest. While Sae-byeok manages to fashion a makeshift bandage, the wound continues seeping blood, leaving an indelible scar reminding us of her suffering.

In a meta sense, Sae-byeok‘s scar symbolizes how the games irrevocably damage players physically and psychologically. Like veterans returning from war, those surviving are left scarred forever by the experience.

How The Injury Dooms Her Chances

Bleeding profusely from her neck, Sae-byeok refuses medics and soldiers on with quiet dignity. However, during the squid game itself, her movements clearly show declining strength and agility from ongoing blood loss. Her reaction speed slows, allowing Sang-woo to grab her ankle and toss her to the ground brutally.

While her willpower staves off collapse temporarily, ultimately her injury hastens her demise. The feisty player‘s odds of winning drop exponentially from this point on. Her formidable survival skills bend underneath the trauma dealt to her.

Game #Player 067 Status
1Full health
2Full health
3Full health
4Injured by glass shards
5Playing injured
6Severely injured from neck stab wound
7Killed by injuries/blood loss

As this table shows, after game #4 brings lacerations, Sae-byeok begins playing hurt. The stab wound in her neck then critically impacts her ability to continue.

Fan Theories on Her Scar‘s Meaning

On discussion threads, some fans argue Sae-byeok‘s neck gash symbolizes a partial decapitation foreshadowing her eventual death. Others cite South Korean superstitions about harm to the neck meaning imminent mortality.

A compelling theory claims her neck injury mirrors the frontal lobotomy patients received in the Medical Center that housing the games‘ organizers. This connects to themes of literal and metaphorical exploitation of marginalized people.

Ultimately, Sae-byeok‘s scar presents visual shorthand for how the contest pushes moral boundaries, damaging participants for organizers‘ twisted enjoyment.

Analyzing Sang-woo‘s Motives

Regarding his savage assault on her, speculation points to Sang-woo feeling threatened by Sae-byeok‘s bold defiance of game rules during the riot. Her principled courage to stop senseless killing likely angered him given his own cowardly shooting of teammates. Sang-woo also resented relying on a woman and North Korean for survival, despite viewing himself as the alpha male.

However, his attack most clearly stems from desperation. Facing financial ruin after losing to Sae-byeok in marbles, he snapped under pressure – showing his true ruthless nature. The move may have been premeditated right after his loss rather than purely impulsive though.

How Her Death Ranks Among Most Devastating

  • Sae-byeok‘s slow demise from injuries arguably surpasses other emotional deaths like Ali, Ji-yeong and Sae-byeok‘s ally Jang Deok-su in brutality.
  • <li>Seeing Sae-byeok cling to life despite being betrayed by Sang-woo makes her death a gut punch to viewers.</li>
    <li>Her crawl towards the exit, repeating her heartbreaking wish to go home, left audiences in floods of tears.</li>
    <li>It highlighted her selflessness and family devotion poignantly.</li>

Ultimately among the weightiest sacrifices in the games, Sae-byeok‘s death crushed fans given our emotional investment in her courageous underdog story.


Kang Sae-byeok‘s traumatic neck injury serves as pivotal Squid Game moment, triggering her decline while showcasing moral complexity. This flesh wound represents the steep physical/mental costs inflicted by the games while illustrating characters‘ depths through reaction. For devoted show followers like myself, her scar‘s origins and tragic aftermath will linger as emblematic of the unflinching brutality that makes Squid Game such compulsive viewing.

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