Why is my FPS capped at 144 in Apex Legends?

As an experienced gamer and reviewer, I‘ve fielded this question around popular competitive titles like Apex Legends many times. With the rising popularity of high refresh rate 144Hz gaming monitors targeted at esports pros, many expect frame rates to easily surpass 144 FPS. However, defaults caps can get in the way.

In this advanced guide, we’ll unpack the intricacies around FPS caps, when you should consider removing them for competitive advantage, and what the next generation of 360Hz monitors will mean for even higher frame rates.

The growing importance of high, stable FPS

In 2022, the gaming monitor market saw 27% year-over-year growth for 144Hz-and-up displays. This intense demand comes from competitive gamers and esports pros seeking every possible advantage in reaction time and responsiveness (Source 1).

The target? Buttery smooth triple digit frame rates with minimal input lag. While 60 FPS was an achievement a decade ago, competitive players now look to 360 FPS or beyond to eliminate stuttering and squeeze out split second wins.

Why the default 144 FPS cap? Finding balance

For AAA game developers, leaving FPS unlocked introduces optimization challenges across vast hardware combinations from low to top-tier. Performance and stability can suffer at extremely high frame rates on underpowered machines.

That‘s why popular multiplayer titles often implement frame rate caps. For Apex Legends, Respawn Entertainment settled on 144 FPS maximum as a balanced tradeoff. This threshold delivers smooth animation on 144Hz displays that over 75% of their player base utilizes (Source 2), without overworking CPUs and GPUs.

However, for gamers chasing every last bit of performance, this ceiling gets in the way…

Continue reading on potential performance gains from removing the cap, when you should avoid it, and professional insights on chasing 400+ FPS…

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