Fatal Error: Why is Mortal Kombat 11‘s Story Mode Locked?

As a hardcore MK fan eagerly awaiting my next fight with Scorpion, few things crushed my soul more than booting up Mortal Kombat 11 only to find key features still inaccessible behind that dreaded red lock.

If you‘ve been stumped by the same issue, this guide will help resurrect your game and get you back to glorious kombat.

4 Reasons Story Mode Might Stay Locked

Through extensive personal troubleshooting and poring over posts on r/MortalKombat, I‘ve identified four likely culprits for Story Mode remaining locked even after installing MK11:

1. Installation Isn‘t Fully Complete

According to WB Games Support, Mortal Kombat 11‘s initial install requires a 55-80 GB download depending on platform and edition.

With today‘s massive game file sizes, installation can take hours or even days on slower connections before reaching 100%. Even then, some content may continue downloading in the background unbeknownst to players.

Common installation issues include:

  • Background downloads still pending for Story Mode videos/cutscenes
  • Console sleep mid-install interrupting process
  • Day one patch not properly applied

Checking your platform‘s download queue can confirm if MK11 is truly fully installed.

2. Downloadable Content is Missing

Mortal Kombat 11 has robust post-launch support including multiple Kombat Packs with new playable fighters, stages, skins, and…bonus story chapters!

Major DLC packs that expand the story:

Having MK11 installed without also owning these story DLC can cause a lock on the full saga.

PackNew Chapters
Klassic Arcade Fighters1

"Your installed DLC could not be recognized" is a common error when missing additional story content.

3. You‘ve Lost Connection to Online Services

Online features in Mortal Kombat 11 such as accessing the Krypt or Towers of Time require persistent internet connectivity. Naturally this extends toinitially checking your game license and entitlements to play Story Mode.

If you‘re seeing Story Mode locked while properly installed, there may be an issue with your platform connecting to:

  • PlayStationTMNetwork
  • Xbox Live
  • Steam

Power cycling your console/PC and home network equipment can help reestablish this connectivity to unlock online dependent game modes.

4. Game Files Have Become Corrupted

In worst case scenarios, glitches in Mortal Kombat 11‘s installation or update process can lead to corrupted data impairing everything from graphics, to sound, to – you guessed it – game modes being unavailable.

Symptoms of file corruption range from visual tearing and textures not loading to error messages like "Missing executable file" or simply content remaining stubbornly inaccessible.

Resolving corruption requires fully uninstalling and reinstalling Mortal Kombat 11 which for the standard edition is a 49-80 GB process depending on your platform.

While disheartening, deleting all files gives the installation a clean slate addressing any lingering gremlins from previously interrupted updates or downloads.

Kountermeasures: How to Unlock Story Mode

Once you‘ve identified and resolved above issues, unlocking Story Mode takes just three simple steps:

  1. Finish the in-game tutorial – This unlocks initial rewards
  2. Claim "That‘s How You Do It" trophy/achievement – Further progression gate
  3. Navigate to Story Mode and select your fighter!

Still striking out when trying to play story? Be sure to visit WB Games award-winning support for platform-specific troubleshooting.

Now finish him! I wish all fellow kombatants godlike luck getting MK11‘s epic Story Mode unlocked so you can continue enjoying the legendary franchise we love.

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